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Chapter Ninety-Eight: "Running to Stand Still"
Season 5, Episode 10

Chapter Ninety-Eight: "Running to Stand Still" Season 5, Episode 10

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"ravens win! mommy! ravens win!"

aurora and jaden shouted coming into their front in front of thomas who furrowed his eyebrows, "haley," he called out when he hears no one, "that's weird, i thought mommy would've beat us home by now,"

his phone rang in his pocket, taking it from his blazer pocket seeing his wife calling him, "hey," he answered the call, "thomas, hi, i'm so sorry, you got jaden and aurora right?"

thomas looked at his twins who grabbed themselves a juice box from the fridge, "yeah, yeah, what happened? where were you?" he questioned hearing his wife let out a breath, "oh, i got locked in the library with lindsey and peyton, i missed the whole game, i'll fill you in on all the gory details as soon as i get home,"

thomas smiled, "all right, well, i'm just about to put aurora and jaden into bed, and then i'm gonna take a quick shower," he said into his phone, "oh, and haley, i love you,"

"i love you too,"

he smiles wider ending the phone call before turning towards his twins, "do we really have to go to bed, daddy?" the twins asked their dad who put his phone back into his pocket, "yep, pjs, brush teeth, bed, five minutes,"

"come on, chop-chop,"

jaden looked at their dad when aurora started to already go upstairs, "do i have to wear pjs? can't i sleep in this?"

thomas smiled at his son, "okay, but just for tonight, all right?" jaden smiled, "now, come on, let's go," he comes past his dad going upstairs, "awesome,"

he comes towards his bathroom after getting himself shorts, underwear and a towel turning on his shower, stepping inside his shower.

letting out a breath at the feeling of the hot water hitting his back running his hands through his now wet hair, his hands rubbing his body gel along his stomach when he feels a pair of hands come around his stomach.

he grabbed onto the pair of hands around his waist, "missed you tonight," he smiled letting the hot water hit his head, "oh, i missed you too,"

his eyes widening hearing carrie's voice from behind him, "whoa, carrie!" leaning forwards moving away from his kid's nanny, turning off his shower, "carrie, what are you doing here?"

he questioned her, "this is not okay," her hands come to thomas's tanned face, "you have to get out of here," she stared at him, "it's okay, thomas," her hands rubbed his cheeks, "i love you, too,"

thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "what are you talking about? you think i love you?" he scoffed at her, pushing her away from his naked body, "carrie, you have to get out of here,"

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