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Chapter Fifty: "A Multitude of Casualties"
Season 3, Episode 5

Chapter Fifty: "A Multitude of Casualties" Season 3, Episode 5

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"is everybody ready for midnight madness?!" dan scott asked as he stood beside matthew smith who held another microphone in hand, "that's what we're talking about!"

dan and matthew looked around, "the countdown to the start of the season is on!" dan said into the microphone when matthew said, "let us hear you!"

everyone in the gym stadium started to cheer loudly clapping their hands together, "five! four! three! two! one!"

the buzzer goes off, "let the madness begin!" both matt and dan yell into the microphone as everyone cheered.

emma sat next karen whikst elijah was on the basketball team whilst emily and addison were now dancing in the middle of the basketball court alongside their fellow cheerleaders.

thomas stood beside nathan hearing yells and cheers, "so are you gonna tell me what's going on with haley?" lucas asked from behind nathan and thomas with ryan standing beside lucas.

thomas then turns to lucas, "you're breaking her heart, and you know that," thomas looked at his ex best friend, "well, she broke mine first and anyways, lucas, this is pep rally, where's your pep?"

lucas looked at his best friend as nathan and ryan were staring at each other, "she's your wife!" thomas looked at lucas, "you treat her like this, you're manipulating her, pushing her back to chris!"

thomas clenched his jaw once he heard that coming from lucas's mouth, "all right, you need to back up, now,"

lucas raised his hands, "really, is that an order, captain?" lucas then flicked his best friend, "don't push me, bitch,"


lucas comes closer to thomas, "you gonna do something about it? huh, you're a coward, thomas, and you always have been," lucas looked at thomas, "you love haley, but instead of dealing with it, your avoid her,"

now everyone on the basketball team turned to ryan, nathan, lucas and thomas were aguring, "treat her like dirt," lucas chuckled, "god, i used to wonder why you did it, and then i realised something,"

"you're just like your dan,"

thomas clenched his jaw, "i'm nothing like dan," thomas then raised his fist punching lucas square in the face, as ryan and nathan then started to punch each other with the basketball team getting involved into the four boy's fight.

"now, the team that's gonna deliver us our state title, your tree hill ravens!"

thomas, ryan, lucas and nathan came through the sign continuing to fight with each other, as thomas landed another punch to lucas's face.

emma's hands come to her mouth gasping at the sight of her son fighting his best friend, karen and emma both looked at each other with shocked faces.

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