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Chapter Seventy-Seven: "Songs to Love and Die By"
Season 4, Episode 10

Chapter Seventy-Seven: "Songs to Love and Die By" Season 4, Episode 10

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"thomas? nathan?"

thomas's aunt allie calls out from where she stood in the hospital in her uniform, "what's happening allie?" thomas asked his aunt, "how's addison and haley?"

allie looked at them, "they're being prepped for surgery, haley has multiple fractures on her leg, and addison has multiple fractures on her arms, and some head trauma," thomas looked down, "possible collapsed lung, broken ribs, and a good deal of internal bleeding,"

nathan and thomas ran their hand through their hair, "what about the babies?" allie looked at them, "well, with this kind of severe trauma.. " allie looked at her nephew, "we're gonna do everything we can, but right now, our priority is saving your wives, okay?"

doctor allie walked away from them, with emma talking to her sister in law who she hadn't seen ever since finn and allie's divorce.


thomas and nathan both sat with their heads in their hands not seeing lily, brooke and peyton come towards them, "nathan, thomas, how are they?"

thomas looked at them, "they are in surgery," he said tryna not get upset again, "and lucas?" thomas shrugged his shoulders, "we don't know, it should've been us, it was all our faults,"

brooke looked at her male best friends, "no, it wasn't, it was an accident, like the bridge.." thomas shakes his head, "no, it wasn't," nathan said to brooke, "and now our wives are in surgery and even if they makes it out, the baby could..."

"they could still lose the baby," thomas sniffles, "and lucas could die, dan's in jail," peyton looked at the two boys, "guys,"

thomas makes a sound, "i wish i would've died under that water," he stated to them, "then none of this would have happened," he stands up moving past brooke, lily and peyton who looked at thomas.


thomas stood at the bridge were his accident happened, "why'd you have to save me, keith, finn, huh?" he leans against the railing, "if i would've died, then there's no daunte and there's no accident,"

thomas ran his hand through his hair, "and then my sister and her baby, and haley and the baby would be fine," he scoffs looking around, "come on, guys!" he shouts, "you can save me, but you can't answer me?"

thomas sniffles scoffing, "thanks for absolutely nothing," he walks away from the bridge going towards his car.


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