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Chapter Sixty-Five: "Everyday is a Sunday Evening"
Season 3, Episode 20

Chapter Sixty-Five: "Everyday is a Sunday Evening" Season 3, Episode 20

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nathan and thomas played one on one in the crappy basketball gym that they were still using, with thomas dodging nathan's attempts taking the ball from his hands before leaning up shooting loads of three pointers smirking.


nathan and thomas bro hugged when thomas throws the basketball onto the background when nathan slam dunks the basketball into the hoop when it comes onto the basketball game where nathan slam dunked the ball from thomas's assist.

nathan got the basketball passing it to thomas who smiled, before throwing it to ryan who caught it in his hands before passing it back to thomas who jumps getting a three pointer shot.

thomas looked at his wife, "you sure you don't wanna sleep with me until the ceremony?" addison cringed hearing her brother covering her ears with her pom poms, "i know i look pretty sexy right now,"

haley bites her lip hitting her husband playfully with her pom poms when thomas starts to run back onto the basketball court, "let's go," he clapped his hands when he got the basketball again into his hands from ryan who assisted him.

thomas dribbled the basketball before jumping up slam dunking the basketball into the basketball hoop, "whoo, baby!" nathan bro hugged his best friend who smirked.

ryan pats thomas's back smiling, ryan got the ball into his hand before passing the basketball to thomas who caught it in his hands, turning his head seeing his best friend free, so he faked a pass before throwing it to nathan who was at the three pointer mark, jumping up throwing the basketball towards the hoop with a smile.

thomas smiled at his friends, seeing his twin sister smiling at her husband who patted his best friend's back snapping thomas out of his gaze, seeing his sister smiling again.


"excuse me," damien went towards where addison and haley stood talking to each other, "you're haley and addison right?"

haley nods her head, "yeah," damien smiled, "you both look good in blue, it suits you," addison looked at damien, "we're married,"

damien ignored what addison said, "you know what else would look on you?" haley turns to him, "me,"


damien looked at her, "i'm damien west," thomas and nathan appeared behind his wives with their duffel bags on their shoulders in their basketball formal attire, "i think they're out of your league,"

damien chuckled turning to thomas and nathan, "nathan scott and thomas smith, what a surprise," haley and addison looked at their husband's then to damien, "what, you three know each other?"

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