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Chapter Forty-One: "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning"
Season 2, Episode 19

Chapter Forty-One: "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning" Season 2, Episode 19

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thomas woke up turning over wanting to feel his wife's body against his but stopped as he couldn't feel the presence of his wife's body next to his making his eyes open seeing an empty space beside him.

he stretched his arms out, coming out of bed in just his underwear putting a wife beater on along with his 5 inch shorts coming into his kitchen slash dining room, seeing his mother's brother, his uncle finley wayne with his dad's youngest brother, his 23 year old uncle liam smith, standing in the middle of his kitchen slash dinning room drinking on a bottle of beer, "how much for the wall?"

finn asked his nephew looking at the painted wall, "come on, man, i'm serious," liam nods his head at his brother in law looking at their nephew's painted wall, "i'll take it, we'll take the whole thing..."

"the pink paint, the creepy clown," thomas shakes his head at his uncles, "look, we'll give you..." liam goes into his pocket along with finley.

after thomas's dad's brother's death, people started to be sensitive around thomas knowing that thomas was the closest to johnnathon smith in matthew's kids.

matthew had five brothers liam who's 23 years old, james who's 46 years old, jonathan who was 32 years old and benson and xander who is 27 years old and two sisters mia who is 36 years old and sophia smith who is almost 27 years old.

whilst emma was the oldest girl with her little sister cassandra and then her five brothers, camden was the oldest in the chesterfield family as he is 49 years old, with hayes who's 35 years old, luca who is 38 years old, oliver who is 20 years old and then there's mateo who's 19 years old as finley was adopted into the chesterfield family but they kept his name the same to his birth parents is 25 years old.

finley and liam look at the money in their hands and the one what's fallen onto the floor, "$1000 and whatever just fell on the floor," liam said to his nephew who playfully rolled his eyes, "how you doing, liam, finn?"

he said to his uncles who smiled, "better than you, you little bitch," finley said making thomas chuckle, "come here and give your uncle's some love,"

thomas comes towards liam hugging his uncle before coming out of liam's arms coming into his other's uncles arms, "it's good to see you, kid," thomas nods his head, "yeah,"

thomas picked up the money remaining on his floor looking at his uncles who walked into his kitchen, "so, your parents called us," thomas came towards them, "and we got to tell you, tom, if my big sister and brother in law, is calling us in.. then the situation is pretty effed up, you know?"

thomas holds out the money, "nah, keep it," thomas rolled his eyes as they looked at him, "by the way, i could beat your ass for looking like this, you handsome bastard," thomas chuckled looking at his uncle liam.

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