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Chapter Forty-Four: "The Tide That Left and Never Came Back (1),"
Season 2, Episode 22

Chapter Forty-Four: "The Tide That Left and Never Came Back (1)," Season 2, Episode 22

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thomas lived back with his dad and his siblings whilst their mother today was going to be getting out of rehab today.

his knee had been getting better to the point where he didn't have to have crutches anymore, so right now whilst all of his friends were in english, thomas was in the gym shooting the basketball into the hoop what swooshes through.

he gets the ball into his hands, dodging before jumping up throwing his basketball into the hoop, "game to eleven?" ryan asked as he comes into the gym with lucas beside him, "i'll give you ten and the ball,"

thomas shrugged his shoulders before jumping up throwing the basketball into the hoop from where he stood at the three pointer mark, "and game," he heard the ball swooshing through the hoop making him turn to his friends.

"see? you'll be back in no time," thomas looked at his friends, "shooting weak-ass jump shots: that's your game," he said to lucas, "and sometimes yours," he said to ryan who rolled his eyes.

he lets out a breath, "i can hardly jump, man," thomas looked to the basketball hoop, "look man," lucas said, "i know you don't wanna hear this, but if you blow off this english final, you're not gonna be eligible to shoot the... weak-ass jump shots,"

thomas looks down to his basketball in his hands then to lucas and ryan, "it's about loss, i can help you if you want," thomas scoffed, "you don't think i can write about loss?" he threw the ball to lucas who catches it in his hands.

thomas walked past his friend's shaking his head, running his hand through his sweaty brunette hair.


thomas was outside of coach durham's office, looking inside seeing his basketball coach sitting there looking at papers.

"come in, thomas,"

thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "how's your know it was me?" he held onto his bagpack strap before putting it down taking a seat on the chair, "i can smell the confusion,"

coach durham moved the glasses off from his face, "that was a joke by the way, nobody ever laughs at my jokes,"

thomas then makes a face, "it's cause they're not funny, coach," whitey puts a look on his face, "little birdies told me that you were moving back home,"

thomas clenched his jaw, "those little birds name lucas, nathan and ryan?" he asked his basketball coach, "they care about you," coach durham comes around his desk, "so do i,"

coach durham sit in the opposite seat from thomas, "you've come quite distance this year," he said looking at one of his star players, "i think moving out of that house has been good for you,"

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