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Chapter Forty-Eight: "First Day on a Brand New Planet"
Season 3, Episode 3

Chapter Forty-Eight: "First Day on a Brand New Planet" Season 3, Episode 3

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thomas puts his books into his locker which was 142, as he was in between lucas and haley who hadn't come to their lockers yet, "which means.." thomas then closed his locker looking at both haley and lucas, "you should've used your stage name,"

he then walked away with nathan and addison coming after thomas, addison was underneath her husband's arm as nathan walked beside his best friend.

ryan loved his friends but he couldn't decide on who he was going to be siding with as nathan already choose thomas's side, whilst he was still unsure on who's side to choose.

he knew his girlfriend lily was still friends with haley but that didn't mean that ryan was happy with haley due to haley remind him of his and peyton's biological mother ellie leaving them when they were babies.


thomas was outside looking down at his textbook where nathan and addison were talking to ryan and lily when thomas hears brooke's voice.

he looks away from his textbook seeing brooke walk away from haley as his wife comes past a bunch of girls who sat on a bench whispering things about haley.

haley walks past them, "i'm a rockstar," one of them said making thomas clench his jaw, watching as haley looked at them giggling as she rolled her eyes walking past them.

"hey, you got a problem?"

the group of girls contained to laugh, thomas watched haley walk past them as their attention then goes onto thomas, waving their hands flirty to him making thomas roll his eyes annoyed with what they were doing.

mouth then comes up behind thomas, "tom, think i could get a quick interview from you?" thomas looked at his friend, "i'm podcasting a preaseason ravens report,"


thomas asked confused, "yeah, it's kind like radio but the fans can download it and listen to it on their ipods," thomas then sees the group of girls standing up walking away from the table.

"uh yeah," mouth then said to record, "we're here with number 14, also known as thomas smith," thomas half smiled, "tom, what's your prediction for this ravens team?"

he rubbed the back of his neck, "is this the year that you'll finally claim that elusive championship trophy," thomas smiled, "or will it once again end up in the arms of someone else?"

"someone more popular, better looking, possibly a surfer," thomas furrowed his eyebrows at mouth who contained recording, "leaving you empty and angry with only that final buzzer of regret ringing in your ears?"

mouth then looked at thomas who had a confused look on his face, "uh, i think we'll have a great season," he said nodding his head to mouth who half smiled at his friend.

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