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Chapter Eighty-Six: "Ashes of Dreams You Let Die"
Season 4, Episode 19

Chapter Eighty-Six: "Ashes of Dreams You Let Die" Season 4, Episode 19

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thomas comes inside his parent's house where he sees austin talking to their parents when thomas clenched his jaw angrily running towards his older brother, pushing austin back into the kitchen counter as he groaned at the contact, "you son of a bitch!"

austin's girlfriend mellisa looked at the two boys now fighting, "austin! stop it!" she said to her boyfriend who wasn't moving from his younger brother.

thomas punched his brother across the face, "stop!" emma screamed when austin punched his brother in the face making thomas fall backwards, "what's wrong with you?"

austin screamed down at his brother, emma comes to her youngest son helping thomas up, "mom, i'm—" emma looked at her son, "him and dan killed keith and finn! they shot them!"

he said pointing a finger at his brother, "i should go,"  thomas looked at his brother watching as austin walked out from the door with mellisa beside him going through the same door thomas came through.

emma looked at her son, "why would you say something like that?" thomas wiped at his nose, "cause it's the truth!" emma looked at him, "stop it, jimmy killed finn and keith,"

thomas shook his head, "so stop it!" emma shouted with tears coming down her face, she comes out of the kitchen as thomas touched underneath his nose where he pulls his hand back seeing blood cover his hand.


thomas had his hands in his pockets walking through the riverside with his hands in his pockets tryna find his pregnant wife.

he passed teenagers and parents who just gave thomas looks as he finally finds his wife sitting by herself, "it was only a matter of time until the entire town found out i'm a cheater,"

he sets his bag down, "sorry," he sits on the chair looking at his wife, "you know, when i was in school, everybody was like laughing at me after the tour and whispering and making fun of me and stuff,"

thomas nods his head, "i went to school one day and i wasn't so interesting and it kind of blew over," his wife stated, "i think this probably will, too,"

he ran a hand through his hair, "i hope you're right," he lets out a breath, "how's your valedictorian speech coming?"

thomas moved his chair closer to his wife, " very, very slowly, this is ridiculous, graduation's like a few days away, i'm supposed to be finished with it," she sipped on her drink, "i'm not even close,"

haley looked at her husband, "it'll be great, you'll be great," haley leaned over, "have you heard anything from duke yet?" thomas shook his head, "no, not yet, i'm guessing they're too busy trying to find another shooting guard to fill my scholarship,"

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