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Chapter Eighty-Nine: "4 Years, 6 Months, 2 Days,"
Season 5, Episode 1

Chapter Eighty-Nine: "4 Years, 6 Months, 2 Days," Season 5, Episode 1

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four year later jaden and aurora smith played basketball by their huge swimming pool with a cape around jaden's shoulders and a tiara princess crown laid on top of the four year old's brunette hair.

thomas watched from his wheelchair, "where did they get the hoop from?" haley comes out of their mansion, "their uncle hudson gave it to them," thomas shook his head, "i don't want them playing,"

haley sighed, "thomas, they're four years old, all they wants to be is like their dad," thomas watched his kids play, "why don't you go out there and show them—"

thomas clenched his jaw, "i said i don't want them playing," he looked at his wife with his blue eyes who scoffed walking away from her husband, "jambo, rory, come on, sweetie, mama's gotta go to work,"

jaden and aurora followed after their mother after looking to their father who sat in his wheelchair looking out to their swimming pool before following after their mama in a race.


addison walked alongside lucas and hudson coming into haley's classroom seeing jaden and aurora drawing in their colouring books, "man, they do grow up fast,"

aurora smiles dropping her pink crayon from her hand turning to see their uncle lucas, aunt addison and uncle hudson, "uncle hudson, lucas and aunt addi,"

"jc! rory!"

the two four years old go over to their uncles and aunt, "hey," lucas leaned down looking at his niece, "you in high school already?" aurora shook her little head, "no," she said smiling at her uncle, "we only four,"

hudson hummed looking at his goddaughter, "hmm, yeah, four going on forty," aurora giggled, "what are you drawing?"

jaden looked at his uncles and aunt, "you can't see it yet, it's not done," lucas looked at them, "yeah, trust me, i understand that one," jaden and aurora ran back to their chairs going back to their colouring book.

"take it writing's not going very well," lucas makes a face to his best friend, "the writing is not going at all, how about you?" addison looked to her sister in law, "how's the last day of student teaching?"

haley looked at them, "great, just trying not ti freak out about next week when it's just me," she said letting out a chuckle, "you're gonna be great, hales," addison admitted.


hudson touched his best friend's wife hand, "did you get a nanny yet?" haley shook her head, "no, not yet," lucas looked at his best friend, "well, you know you can't baby-sit him forever, hales, and by him, i mean thomas, not jaden or rory,"

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