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Chapter Eleven: "The Living Years"
Season 1, Episode 11

Chapter Eleven: "The Living Years" Season 1, Episode 11

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thomas ran his fingers through his hair walking away from austin and his mother, "just leave me alone," austin looked at his brother, "thomas, get in the car.."

thomas shook his head, "no, austin, just leave me alone," emma frowned looking in between her sons, "i just need some space,"

austin drove away from thomas rolling his eyes as emma watched as thomas walked further away from the shrink office.


thomas walked beside lucas towards peyton's house, when thomas furrowed his eyebrows seeing her front door open.

"peyton?" thomas comes into the house first with lucas behind him holding a rake, "shh.." thomas shh'ed his best friend coming closer towards the kitchen, seeing a man in the kitchen, "peyton!"

lucas banged the rake against the table when thomas's eyes widened now seeing the man turn towards them, "where's peyton and ryan?" the man looked at them, "dressing for school is my guess,"

"who are you?"

realisation comes onto thomas's face, "that's peyton's dad," larry turns to thomas, "thomas, it's good to see you again," thomas bowed his head, "it's good to see you as well larry,"

"what are you doing here?" thomas looked at larry, "the front door was open and we thought.." larry nods his head, "i'm lucas,"

"larry sawyer," ryan and peyton come down the stairs, "hey dad, do you know where my.." peyton stops herself seeing thomas and lucas stand in the kitchen, "what are you guys doing here?"

larry looked towards his kids, "oh, lucas is trying to rake me to death," ryan and peyton both chuckled, "what?!" thomas turned to peyton, "we thought you were.." lucas turns back to larry, "...nothing crucial,"

lucas frowned, "i'm gonna go put this back," peyton, thomas and larry chuckled watching as lucas walked away from the four of them.


haley turned to thomas, "did you finish the little prince?" thomas shook his head, "no, i just rented the movie, this book is stupid,"

haley looked at him, "thomas, you're not gonna pass french if you keep renting movies," thomas sighed, "it's not like i have a lot of time to just sit around and read,"

thomas let's out a breath, "so, are you ever going to tell me how it went?" thomas ran his fingers through his hair, "the therapist asked me if i wanted to play basketball or not,"

"oh, what did you say?"

thomas frowned, "i didn't know what to say," he looked at haley, "nobody has ever asked me that question before," haley leaned against the palm of her hand, "wow, that's really big,"

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