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Chapter Fifty-Eight: "The Wind That Blew My Heart Away"
Season 3, Episode 13

Chapter Fifty-Eight: "The Wind That Blew My Heart Away" Season 3, Episode 13

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thomas furrowed his eyebrows hearing the doorbell going off, he moved away from his sister's embrace as they were watching a movie coming towards the front door, opening it up seeing his wife standing there soaking wet, "haley, what are you doing here? aren't the roads all closed?"

he bought her into the house, "it's like martial law or something," haley nods her head, "i know, i know, but i had to talk to you, i decided to go to duke,"

thomas closed the door, "whoa okay," he looked at haley, "okay, so i have been doing some research and duke has an amazing basketball program," haley walked towards the living room where emily left to go upstairs into her bedroom, "i mean, their coach, this guy, coach krzyzewski? he's, like, a legend,"

"coach krzyzewski?"

haley furrowed her eyebrows, "yeah, what?" thomas put his hands into his pocket, "people call him coach k," haley comes towards her husband, "and so should you, i mean, you should have this opportunity,"

haley let's out a breath looking up at her husband, "duke's a really great school, and i think i could be really happy there especially if i was with you,"

thomas looked down at her, "well, you can't go to duke, hales, i don't want you to," he walked past her with haley making a confused face.

he paused the movie playing, "you don't want me to, right," thomas furrowed his eyebrows at haley's upset voice, "right, what was i thinking? because you told me that you love me after the basketball game, and silly me,"

she gets her jacket from the couch, "and i just thought that feeling would last for longer then, i don't know, one night," thomas looked at his wife, who was putting on her jacket, "but then again, i forget,"

"you're the guy who loves to rip the rug out from underneath me just when i feel like we're getting some sort of stable ground,"

"haley.." thomas said stopping his wife, "you freak out after we have sex for the first time in god knows how long," she puts her scarf around her neck, "and by the way, i know exactly how long it was,"

"and frankly," she puts her hands on her hips, "i'm still pissed off at you about that whole birth-control thing,"

he just smiles at haley, "what?" thomas looked at his wife again, "hales, you can't go to duke, because i'm going to stanford," the lights in thomas's parents house then turn off from the storm like everyone's light did on his street, "good sign or bad sign?"


thomas held a flashlight in his hands, "we've got dippin dots, no g, smack pack puddin', no g, and my personal favourite cap'n crunch, no t," haley chuckled at her husband who comes towards her.

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