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Chapter Seventy-Nine: "Resolve"
Season 4, Episode 12

Chapter Seventy-Nine: "Resolve" Season 4, Episode 12

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"oh, right, prom—"

thomas sees his wife struggling so he closed his car door making his way towards his wife taking her bagpack from her shoulder, "hey," haley stopped turning to her husband, "can i get a kiss?"

haley leans in kissing her husband's lips who smiled down at her, "just one?" thomas chuckled putting his hand onto his wife's back, "i'll take as many as you got,"


mouth and thomas sat in the libary studying, "guys," she placed herself down next to thomas, who looked away from his textbook to brooke, "why won't chase talk to me?"


thomas furrowed his eyebrows at brooke, "chase," she motions with her head to where the new guy stood, "the new guy,"

mouth scoffs, "another new guy? great," thomas flipped the page, "i smiled, i flipped my hair, i rubbed up aganist him, and that didn't work," brooke comes closer to thomas, "and that always works,"

mouth turns seeing that chase was apart of the clean teens, "well, rub all you want," thomas turns seeing that chase was apart of the clean teens as well, "but he's immune to girls like you,"

"he's a clean teen,"

thomas stated focusing back on his textbook, "so? mouth, you're a virgin, you'd sleep with me, right?" thomas held in his chuckle as his friend looked at brooke, "okay, what i meant was he's a virgin by choice,"

brooke looked at them, "all i need is an in, here, okay? what do virgins talk about?" thomas shook his head at brooke, "well, let's see, we like rainbows and kittens,"

"mouth!" brooke pushed mouth over thomas, "brooke, just go and talk to him," thomas stated getting annoyed with her, distracting him from his textbook, "what's the big deal?"

"it's not—"

brooke stops when shelly comes over to them, "brooke, just wanted to let you know we are having an emergency clean teen-" thomas turns to mouth seeing him looking at shelly, "meeting after school today,"

brooke half smiled, "can't wait," shelly then turns to thomas who looked away from his textbook, "hey shelly," shelly smiles, "thomas, you still don't wanna join clean teens?"

thomas shook his head, "not really, i mean my wife is pregnant with my chlid so," shelly then looked to mouth who smiles at her, "sorry! shelly, this is my friend mouth,"

"mouth, shelly,"

shelly looked at mouth then back to brooke, "okay, then, i'll see you guys later," she walked away from them, "i'm mouth,"

mouth blurted out once shelly walked away, "smooth, that was very smooth," thomas chuckled looking at brooke then to mouth, "what just happened?"

brooke looked at thomas then to mouth, "it's not that easy to talk to a hot virgin, is it?" mouth shakes his head, "no—" thomas chuckled at what his friend said, running his hand through his hair.

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