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Chapter Ninety-Three: "I Forgot to Remember to Forget"
Season 5, Episode 5

Chapter Ninety-Three: "I Forgot to Remember to Forget" Season 5, Episode 5

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thomas sat at the kitchen counter with his son, arm wrestling his son's little arm playfully letting jaden win as aurora played with her barbies in front of her, "ugh,"

haley watched her husband finally going back to his normal self after four months of having her husband be this depressed ex basketball star, "daddy, can we play ball again now?"

haley shook her head, "not right now, sweetie," thomas looked at his beautiful wife smiling, "maybe later," carrie was cleaning the dishes, "thank you," haley pats their nanny's back smiling.

jaden looked at them, "i wanna play everyday," jaden gets his orange into his hand, "he shoots, he scores, straight to the hole, players," he dunks his orange into his cereal bowl making the milk go over him and aurora.

haley looked at their son, "oh, okay, i guess we've gotta stop leaving them with skills," thomas chuckled ruffling his son's brunette hair, looking to his daughter who comes onto his lap, "come on, champs,"

carrie looked at the twins, "there's a bath with your names on it," aurora smiled, she loved taking baths, "ugh," carrie picks them both up going upstairs as haley wiped at where jaden's breakfast bowl was.

haley looked to her husband, "so, how are you doing?" thomas rubbed his hands against his legs, "i'm trying, there's good days and bad days, right?" haley wiped the orange nodding her head, "you know, it's a really good thing we don't have to worry about money,"

thomas stated to his wife, "but i, uh gotta figure out what i'm gonna do," he frowned, "not all of us can have it together all the time," he said looking to his wife.

haley took her son's and daughter's bowls, "oh please, if only you knew," thomas looked at his wife, "i thought you had those kids in line,"

she sighed, "you remember that kid quentin? the one that walked out after i threatened to fail him and charlie?" she moved putting the bowls away, "well, next thing i know, quentin and charlie got cut from the basketball team and they stopped showing up at school,"

thomas leaned over the counter, "hales, that's not your fault," she sighed, "yeah, but i'm a teacher," thomas frowned, "i'm supposed to be saving these kids, not running them off,"

thomas moved his hand back eating his cereal, "i tried to talk with them, but they wouldn't listen to me,"

haley nods her head, "do you want me to talk to elijah and hudson and see if they can talk to them?" haley shook her head, sitting next to her husband, "maybe if they had somebody, they could actually relate to, or—"

thomas looked up from his cereal, "whatever you're thinking, stop it," haley turned to her husband, "oh, come on," she moved her bag up her shoulder, "hales, i'm the last person that should be giving anybody a talk,"

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