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Chapter Ten: "You Gotta Go There to Come Back"
Season 1, Episode 10

Chapter Ten: "You Gotta Go There to Come Back" Season 1, Episode 10

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thomas wrapped his arm around haley's waist as she laid her head on thomas's chest with her legs tangled in his legs, "so if my parents come home.. i'm gonna act like i have amnesia, so don't freak out if i pretend not to know you,"

thomas laughed along with haley, "look," thomas rubbed haley's back looking down at her, "i think i should get back to my family,"

haley snuggled closer to thomas's chest, "but hey," thomas looked down at her, "if i could," haley looked at him, "i'd stay like this all day,"

thomas smiled when haley leans in and pressed her lips against his, "okay," thomas slowly got up from haley's bed, "thomas,"

thomas looked away from his shoes looking at haley, "about last night," thomas put his hand on top of haley's hand, "hey, look, it's not about sex with me, okay?"

haley looked at thomas, "when you're ready, i'll be ready too," haley sits up wrapping her arms around his shoulders, "come here," thomas kissed haley again with one of his arm going around her waist.

haley leans back against her pillow letting out a sigh, "i'll see you later?" haley nods her head as thomas smiled at her standing up getting his jacket.


thomas wrapped his arm around haley's shoulders, "it's not that hard, alright?" thomas looked at lucas, "peyton and i just don't make sense as a couple,"

thomas sighed, "she said so herself," haley looked at lucas, "and then took it back," lucas turned to haley, "now what are you? her lawyer?"

thomas looked at lucas, "look, okay we've just seen peyton really try to make an effort to turn things around and it just sucks that she got but the first time she reached out to somebody, you know?"

lucas looked at his best friend's, "tom, haley, i'm not the bad guy here, okay?" thomas let's out a sigh, "peyton's just too hard,"

"unlike brooke who i understand is nice and easy," thomas's eyes widened, "excuse me," lucas looked at haley, "she makes me laugh, she's honest, and she's not afraid to be herself, okay?"

lucas leaned close, "plus she's not covered head to toe in issues," lucas walked away from them to take a seat at the table, "and what's so bad about that?"

thomas sit down beside haley, "nothing! nothing, if you're happy, then i'm happy," lucas turned to haley, "are you? happy,"

thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "yeah," haley slides her hand down to hold thomas's hand, "i'm happy," lucas looked at them, "i hope you guys are right,"


lucas and thomas come towards jake who was sleeping against a tree, thomas kicked jake's foot waking him up, "late night?"

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