one hundred and eleven

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Chapter One Hundred and Eleven: "You've Dug Your Own Grave, Now Lie in It"
Season 6, Episode 5

Chapter One Hundred and Eleven: "You've Dug Your Own Grave, Now Lie in It" Season 6, Episode 5

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the home phone rang as thomas goes away from the kitchen table coming towards where their house phone is, picking it up, "smith residence," the other person on the phone said, "is this thomas smith?"

thomas looked straight ahead, "yeah, this is him," he sets down his apple juice, "yes, sir," thomas cleared his throat, "uh yes, sir, i could be there today, if you want,"

haley looked at her husband, "absolutely, i'm looking forward to it too, thank you," he ends the phone call looking to where his wife and twins sat, "everything okay?" haley questions, "that was the general manager for the fort wayne d league team,"

"the d league?"

haley questions, "basketball, mama," aurora and jaden said to their mama, "it's just a development league team, but the gm wants to meet with me, today," haley smiled at her husband, "that was the nba calling,"

"i told you,"

aurora and jaden both stand up from their chairs, "you're gonna play in the nba," the twins ran towards their father who went down picking them both up in his arms, "my god," haley comes towards her husband, hugging her husband, "daddy, i'm so proud of you," thomas chuckled kissing his kids's cheek.


"thomas smith," the fort wayne d league general manager smiled at thomas who was in a suit with his duffel bag on his shoulder, "great to meet you, how was your flight?"

thomas smiled shaking the man's hand, "it was good, sir, thanks so much for having me," the man looked at him, "it's bobby," thomas nods his head, "hey, i really appreciate you coming up here short notice, but i wanted you to have a good look at the facility before we really get into things,"

thomas smiled, "now, as you'll see, everything here is state of the art," he followed after bobby, "the owners have spared no expense," thomas looked at the basketball team, "i can see that, sir,"

bobby turned to thomas, "it's just bobby, just bobby, come on," thomas looked at him, "let me show you around," thomas looked out at the court with a smile, now following after bobby.

they go through the stadium's door, "make no mistake, we wanna win, we've got some good players on our squad, some you'll meet today, i know that with the right coaching...we can send some of them to the nba next season,"

thomas held his duffel bag in his hand, "and all that begins right here," thomas hummed, "so, thomas, how does it feel to be in a real gym again?" bobby asked thomas who looked around the gym, "good, feels good,"

bobby smiled, "i bet it does, come on," thomas followed after the general manager.


"haley—" emma looked at her daughter in law, "you okay?" she questions her daughter in law who looked at her, "thomas was right, austin and dan have gone off to die,"

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