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Chapter Forty-Five: "The Leavers Dance (2)"
Season 2, Episode 23

Chapter Forty-Five: "The Leavers Dance (2)" Season 2, Episode 23

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thomas comes into dan's shop when he sees his best friends in dan's office alone, "hey," thomas said making lucas and nathan turn to him, "what's up?" he asked his friends, "nothing, you?"

nathan said to thomas, "i thought you guys said you were done spying on him," lucas and nathan looked at each other then to thomas, "we are,"

"then what's in the bag?"

lucas scoffed getting out his best friend's jacket, "just.. bringing this back to you," thomas tilted his head to the side, "you both gave me your word, guys,"

nathan lets out a breath, "we know, and we're done," lucas said before handing thomas his jacket back, "we promise," they both come past thomas who ran his hand through his hair.

he turns watching them walk out of the store before his dad comes over to his dad touching his shoulder, "hey tom, you okay?" matthew asked his son who looked at his dad, "yeah, yeah, i'm good,"


thomas ran his hand through his hair before he sees the dreamcatcher in his and haley's room, he takes it off of the ceiling bringing it coming into the living room, throwing the dreamcatcher in the rubbish.

"giving up on your dreams?" thomas let's a smile comes on his face seeing his mother's smiling face, "mom,"

emma comes towards her son with matthew coming through their son's apartment door, "oh, my boy.." emma wraps her arms around her son's shoulders who instantly puts his head onto his mother'a shoulder.

"oh i have missed you,"

thomas looked at his mother, "it's gonna be okay, mom," emma smiled, "yeah," emma looked around her son's apartment, "so, what's this all about?"

matthew looked at his wife, "tommy is moving home, honey," emma half smiled, "we're gonna be a family again," matthew hugged his wife in his arms, "welcome home,"


thomas was at the rivercourt with mouth after he shoots another basket turning to see his mother coming out of her car, coming towards him, "looks like we're both getting better,"

thomas smiled at his mother, "you love this game, don't you?" emma asked her son, "mhm, depends on what day you ask me," he passed the ball to his mother who now held it in her arms, "nah, you loved it every day since you could hold a ball,"

thomas half smiled, "so.. why aren't you going to the camp?" she moved the ball in between her hands, "you talk to dad?" emma shakes her head, "no, i talked to whitey,"

emma spam the ball in her hands, "he said you're staying because of me," thomas sighed, "whitey also drinks a lot, mom," emma chuckled looking at her son, "then you'll go,"

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