one hundred and seventeen

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Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen: "We Three (My Echo, My Shadow and Me)"
Season 6, Episode 11

Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen: "We Three (My Echo, My Shadow and Me)" Season 6, Episode 11

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thomas smith was nothing but a small time bartender working at his best friend's mother's cafe half smiling as he slides a glass of champagne to one of the new reporters seeing his best friend nathan talking to someone,

thomas poured his best friend a shot of whiskey sliding the shot down the bar as lucas catches it with his hand, "nice shot," thomas smirked seeing lucas shot back the whiskey, "you're gonna be a hard man to replace,"

thomas half smiled at his best friend's comment, "you're gonna be okay, you'll still have nate," lucas nods his head, "true," thomas poured him another shot, "and how is the search for my replacement coming?"

lucas leaned against the bar, "wel, it'd be a lot easier if i knew when i was losing you," the smith male looked at lucas, "when i know, you'll know, you rented out my room upstairs yet?"

the main man behind karen's cafe shook his head, "nope, it'll be waiting for you when you get back," thomas tapped his fingers against the bar before looking to the stage not seeing his sister or haley up there, "hey, shouldn't haley and addison be on by now?"

lucas sighed looking down to his watch, "hm," he hummed, "let's give them a minute," thomas grabbed the whiskey bottle walking away from his best friend.


"ladies and gentlemen, it is my greatest bring to the stage, for your entertainment..only at karen's cafe, miss haley james and addison smith,"

thomas smiled from where he stood behind the bar wiping his wet hands with a hand towel, everyone clapped their hands as the man excused himself off of the stage as haley and addison came onto the stage singing.

thomas comes back to where his best friend was leaned against the bar letting out a breath staring at the women of his dreams, "what a dame," lucas sipped on his drink, "they gets them every time,"

the smith male looked at his best friend, "you ever think a girl like haley and—" thomas stopped himself shaking his head, "never mind,"

lucas tapped his hand against the bar, "a bartender like you?" thomas stared at his best friend, "yeah, why not?" thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "well, because i'm a nobody, she's definitely a somebody,"

thomas said smiling watching haley perform alongside his sister, "never say never, tom," lucas looked at thomas, "look, if you want something, go get it, it's that simple,"

"what do you want, luke?"

lucas chuckled, "nothing, i've got everything i want right here," thomas looked around lucas's mother cafe with a smile, when he sees the double door opening to where dan scott comes into the room, "luke,"

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