one hundred and nineteen

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Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen: "Things a Mama Don't Know"
Season 6, Episode 13

Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen: "Things a Mama Don't Know" Season 6, Episode 13

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thomas was on the phone in his and haley's bedroom with his back turnt to his wife where haley spoke, "i hate it when addison calls to tell us that deb is sleeping over at skills' because her sleeping is not sleeping and because addison doesn't want to go through that alone—"

haley looked at her husband who now turns to her, "that was the charleston're looking at their newest point guard," haley's hands come up to her mouth in shock, "oh—" haley comes to her husband, "my god! what?"

her arms wrapped around her husband's neck, "oh, my god, and you say i'm bad ass," she connects her lips onto her husband's lips who chuckles moving them down onto their shared bed.


"rise and shine, porcupines—"

haley said touching both of their kid's heads with thomas sat near to his daughter who groans moving her head closer to her father's leg, "can a guy and a girl get five more minutes?"

thomas smiled, "okay, but today is a big day at the smith house," jaden moved the covers from over him and aurora's heads, "how big are we talking?"

haley looked down at their kids, "bigger than if christmas, your birthday and pizza friday— all happened on bring chester to school day," the twins looked at their father, "you made the team?"

thomas smiled at his twins, "right, i made it, i'm a charleston chief, i start practice today," haley smiled at her husband, "you did it, daddy," the twins hugged their dad who smiled, "we did it," he moved his arm to wrap around his wife's shoulder, "come here,"



thomas was on the charleston chief's basketball court, dropping his duffel bag onto the floor as he picks up a basketball shooting a three pointer from where he stood, smiling hearing it swoosh through the hoop, "save it for practice, smith,"

the smith male turned seeing bobby, "bobby," thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "what are you doing? i thought dave shea was the gm," bobby nods his head, "he is, i'm your new coach,"


bobby smiled at thomas, "yeah, the truth is, my heart was never really into being a gm, i guess i needed someone to remind me never to give up on a dream, you know?" thomas nods his head, "yeah, i had a friend who did the same for me,"

bobby nods his head, "so, is uh your comeback?" bobby shook his head at thomas's question, "well, not yet, i don't even know that i'm good enough to turn you into a point guard,"

thomas makes a face, "but we'll give it a shot," bobby looked at thomas, "welcome back," thomas smiled bright, "you too," the two shook hands, where thomas picked up his duffel bag.

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