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Chapter Twenty-One: "The Leaving Song"
Season 1, Episode 21

Chapter Twenty-One: "The Leaving Song" Season 1, Episode 21

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nathan comes towards thomas's apartment door with lucas beside him, "what?" thomas looked at lucas and nathan rubbing his blue eyes shirtless, "get dressed,"

thomas shook his head at nathan, "dude, it's six am, what are you doing?" nathan looked at them, "we're going running," thomas sighed, "no, i'm going back to bed,"

lucas shook his head, "no you're not, if i'm up then you have to be up as well," nathan looked at them, "oh, and ryan is gonna meet us there," thomas sighed closing his door getting dressed into some shorts.

ryan, thomas, lucas and nathan ran beside each other, "playoffs are next week, got to get you guys ready," thomas nods his head at nathan, running beside him as lucas runs beside ryan, "workouts, studying game taps, whatever it takes,"

lucas breathes heavily whilst running, "why?" thomas rolled his eyes at lucas, "cause we want to win," thomas and nathan nod their heads to nathan's comment, "and we need your guy's help,"

nathan looked at lucas, "besides, you stood up to my dad the other day," nathan turned back to lucas, "so i owe you," they stop running when lucas breathes out of breath, "so listen,"

thomas and nathan walk beside lucas, "there's something that's been bothering me," thomas furrowed his eyebrows at his best friend, "that thing dan said to me, about asking my mom what kind of parent he was,"

lucas looked at nathan, "any idea what he meant?" thomas shook his head, "probably just more of his mind games, man, that's the way he is,"


thomas stood beside brooke talking with cheerleaders when lucas follows after peyton coming near them, "hey, peyton!"

thomas turned his head towards peyton, "come on, can i talk to you?" thomas looked back towards brooke and the cheerleaders, "that depends, are you telling lies or things that aren't true?"

thomas sighed looking at his friends, "okay, i deserve that, but about the other night," peyton shakes her head, "whatever, luke, explain it to your friend nikki," peyton walked away from lucas coming towards thomas, brooke and the cheerleaders.

thomas half smiled at peyton hugging the blonde headed girl before walking towards his best friend, "come on buddy," thomas pats lucas's back, "let's get to basketball practice,"

lucas sighed nodding his head, "yeah.."


thomas bounces the basketball in between his legs before shooting a three pointer getting it into the hoop, "whoo!"

nathan and ryan smiled towards thomas who slapped his hand against tim's and lucas's hand, coach durham blows his whistle, "gather around here, come on,"

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