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Chapter Ninety-Two: "It's Alright Ma, (I'm Only Bleeding)"
Season 5, Episode 4

Chapter Ninety-Two: "It's Alright Ma, (I'm Only Bleeding)" Season 5, Episode 4

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three years earlier, coach whitey durham stands in front of his college basketball team with thomas who looked at his basketball coach, "tomorrow night, you play for the division ii title," he stated to his basketball team, "however, in my opinion, you can go up against any college in the nation,"

thomas nods his head, "now, for those of you who have a championship," lucas turned to his best friend who smiled, "i don't have to remind you how good it makes you feel,"

whitey looked at them, "the rest of you will just have to trust me," thomas looked at his coach, "now i want you to go home and hit the sheets, preferably alone," he stated as thomas chuckled with his teammates.

lucas pats his best friend's back who now moved away from them, going towards the locker room getting his duffel bag from his locker, putting his lockpad onto it slapping his hand against some of his teammates's hand going outside.

thomas smiled seeing his wife holding their twins in her arms, "hey," thomas comes towards his wife taking jaden from her arm, "say hello, honey," thomas looked down to their twins, "there my little rockstars,"

"oh, sweetie," haley leaned in kissing her husband's cheek, "they've been—" thomas looked at his daughter in his wife's arm, "hey, princess," looking down at his son in his arms, "hey, buddy,"


both jaden and aurora said at the same time, thomas looked down to his son in his arms, "did you hear that? they just said ball," haley looked shocked, "i swear they just said ball,"

lucas comes over to them, "they said ball," lucas smiled, "they said ball, man," thomas stated to his best friend, "they're definitely your kids," thomas smiled at his wife then down to his twins.

haley looked at their best friend, "and they're lucky kids, they look more and more like me every day," lucas said making thomas playfully roll his eyes, "ha-ha-ha,"

thomas tickled his son's side hearing jaden giggle, "say it again, say it again, ball, ball," they walked away from thomas's college gym.


thomas was in his college's gym shooting basketball towards his basketball hoop, chasing after his basketball after it goes through the net, "a little early, aren't you?"

lucas asked seeing his best friend practicing his shots, "well, maybe after tonight, people will look at me as a champion again," he spins the basketball in his hands, "not a point-shaver,"

lucas didn't turn to his best friend, "we're gonna win this one, tom," thomas smirked, "oh, yeah," the two did their handshake, lucas steals the ball from thomas's hands.

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