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Chapter Eighty-Three: "You Call It Madness, But I Call It Love"
Season 4, Episode 16

Chapter Eighty-Three: "You Call It Madness, But I Call It Love" Season 4, Episode 16

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thomas looked at his wife from the corner of his eye as he kept looking in between his wife and the road, "so, uh, when you took your boot off, was it all.." haley rubbed her neck, "oh, it was like teen wolf,"

thomas chuckled at his wife's comment, "seriously, i has to use three razor blades," thomas smirked, "nice,"

haley chuckled, "i'm proud of you, hales, my girl went to be rehabbed by prom," he smiles charmingly, "yeah," haley chuckled, "well, at least everything'll be perfect tonight,"

thomas smiled at his wife when his tire went, "oh, we gotta stop saying that," haley and thomas both frowned, he pulls over, stopping his car engine.

thomas wrapped his armani jacket around his wife's shoulders seeing haley get goosebumps from the cold, "i think- i think the fan belt snapped," he stated to his wife.

haley watched her husband look at the front of their car, "maybe it's the— the thingamajig," haley chuckled, "can i please call lucas now?"

thomas sighed, "okay," haley looked at her husband after taking her phone out, "i have no signal," thomas frowned, "oh, great, well, there's a convenience store about a mile up ahead,"

he looked at his wife, "i'll just walk there and call for a ride, i guess, you can stay," haley shook her head, "no, thank you," thomas looked at his wife, "a pregnant girl in a prom dress with a broken-down car is how urban legends get started, i'm coming with you,"

"what about your leg?"

haley looked at her husband, "it'll be a good test, come on," thomas put his hand into his trousers pockets as haley linked her arm through her husband's arm.


"um, thanks for picking us up, uncle liam,"

liam smiled from where he sat in front of his car with his nephew and his nephew's wife in the backseat of his sports car, "it's alright, it's not like i had anything planned anyways,"

he said to his nephew as thomas turned to his wife, "sorry," thomas sighed, "this isn't exactly how i wanted to start our romantic prom night,"

haley leans over holding her husband's hand, "that's okay, you know, after everything we've been through in the last year," thomas turned to look at his wife's face, "your uncle taking us to prom feels pretty good,"

"kind of like we're kids again?"

haley smiled, "yeah, like, you know, maybe tonight we don't have to be married and pregnant, we can just be teenagers," thomas smiles charmingly, "well in that case, what's your curfew?"

haley chuckled as from the front of the sports car, liam smiled at his nephew through the rearview mirror.


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