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Chapter Twenty-Six: "You Can't Always Get What You Want"
Season 2, Episode 4

Chapter Twenty-Six: "You Can't Always Get What You Want" Season 2, Episode 4

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thomas sat at his and haley's kitchen stool strumming his guitar whilst taking bites out of his cereal, "ever night i watch you sleep," thomas smiled strumming at his guitar hearing his wife's voice.

"peace in dreams i hope you'll keep," thomas smiles at haley continuing to strum at his guitar, "until your death, with your last breath.."

thomas turns to haley furrowing his eyebrows, "are you writing a song or are you planning on killing me?" haley turns back to thomas closing the fridge, "uh officially, i'm writing a new song, unofficially, i'd watch your back..."

thomas chuckled putting his guitar down onto the floor now eating his cereal, "by the way i found a new car on the internet, it's great," thomas furrowed his eyebrows, "define great,"

"$500 great,"

thomas continues to eat at his breakfast looking at the piece of paper, "which is actually $36 less then we've got in the wish dish.." thomas turns to haley who stands beside him, "so we can probably spring for a full tank of gas,"

he chuckled, "well you know, my wish was more along the lines of TiVo, surround sound.." haley looked at him, "well a new car will get you off spending so much tryna fix your bmw, before keith fires you for being late.."

thomas shakes his head, "keith loves me.. and haley, with my bmw.. i just wanna make it more better like how my jeep is," haley nods her head seeing thomas smile at her.

"will you take a look at it? if it's a piece of junk we'll keep looking," thomas nods his head at his wife, "deal?" haley smiles, "deal.." thomas leans in kissing haley's lips.

haley pulls away from thomas, "and um- make sure the trunk's big enough to fit your body," she clears her throat making her way past her husband, "just in case,"

thomas turns to where haley stood shaking his head with a smile playing on his lips, "hahaha," running his fingers through his hair.


thomas throws the rag over his shoulders looking at nathan who was talking to his dad's cut out, thomas shakes his head at nathan who pats the cardboard cut out coming towards thomas.

keith comes towards them, "well, at least the cardboard one's polite," thomas chuckles looking at keith with a smile, "you know, boys, you're not gonna be detailing cars forever,"

thomas and nathan looked at keith, "i'm gonna find you both something, you know, better," nathan looked at keith, "no, it's cool, whatever i have to do,"

"i mean, just treat us like any other employee who has no skill-" thomas stops nathan, "i have car skills," keith nods his head at thomas with a smile, "...and whose last name isn't scott,"

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