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Chapter Forty-Two: "Lifetime Piling Up"
Season 2, Episode 20

Chapter Forty-Two: "Lifetime Piling Up" Season 2, Episode 20

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thomas sat in the back of his best friend's car as him and peyton were talking up front as he texting brooke, his friend with benefits, "so you want to hang with the guys tonight?" lucas asked peyton.

"oh, gee," peyton looked at her boyfriend, "there's a unique idea," thomas rolled his eyes at the way peyton was acting, "come on, peyt, what? i can't bond with the team and my boys?" he said looking back to thomas who smirked.

"what about bonding with your girlfriend?"

thomas leaned forward, "didn't he just do that? like yesterday?" he said to peyton who looked at thomas, "shut up," thomas chuckled, "gee, man, who knew peyton sawyer could try to be mean,"

lucas chuckled stopping the music as peyton looked at her boyfriend, "i was listening to that," lucas rolled his eyes, "fine!" peyton then put the cd back in, "you don't want to hang out with us and the team?"

"why don't you sit in your room, listen to your loser rock.. and do live sex shows on your webcam for all i care?"

"lucas, look out!"

lucas pressed down onto his break, seeing a car stopping, thomas looks up into the other car immediately seeing his best friend's half brother nathan lee.

nathan rolls down his window, "daddy teach you how to drive?" lucas roared his engine before smirking, "yeah, he sends his love," thomas chuckled, "now get out of my way, loser,"

lucas spoke looking at his half brother, he drove a little bit closer to nathan's car who still didn't move, nathan just rolled his eyes before driving away from lucas.

"why do you have to treat him like that?"

lucas and thomas both turned to peyton, "it could have easily been you, you know.." lucas looked at him, "if your dad had married his mom instead of yours," thomas chuckled making his best friend chuckle, "yeah,"

thomas looked at peyton, "like that was ever gonna happen," he said to his best friend's girlfriend, lucas then speeds down the street.


thomas comes into his mother's cafe smiling when he sits down at the counter, "hey mom," he said kissing his mother's cheek leaning over the counter where his mother was standing,

"hey honey," emma said smiling at her son, "mom, you know you could eff up the traffic in here by hiring some hot girls to dance on the bar," emma shakes her head, "my cafe is not a pub sweatheart,"

"i'm just saying.." he stops seeing his chlidhood best friend, "speaking of hot girls, sorry i'm late," haley said smiling to her best friend and nathan's best friend, "the school bus driver ran out of gas,"

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