After The Sadness 🇲🇾

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Hi! I'm Azuwa and I am from Malaysia 🇲🇾 and THIS IS MY STORY.

I am happy person. I don't have friends since I'm in kindergarten. People think I'm annoying because I like to laugh to the dad jokes and also because I like to sing. I sing when I'm walking, doing homework and when I feel happy but I don't know why people think I'm annoying. I didn't take it serious until I slowly grow up being a teenager.

I have a family problem. My mom and my dad divorce when I'm 8 years old. I started to feel it when I was at 13 years old. That time I just went to secondary school. I taught I can make new friends here but I'm totally wrong, because of me being kind to people- they totally make me as a joke. I was bullied for the whole year.You know how it feel. Hurt. Just hurt.

I'm not being bullied by my physical but I'm bullied by mentally. The whole school didn't like me. I was completely lost but I stood up because of my grandfather. He is my strength. I can stay at that school just because of him.

Then I turned 14 years old. They still bullied me but it's better than before until one day I got first place in my exam. They was shocked and then stop bullying me. I just live happily after that. But at my age being 15 years old, on the month of march, I lost my beloved grandfather who have been my strengh for about 15 years. I change into another person.

I was totally not that happy person and good person anymore. I always cry because I still miss my grandfather. I lost everything but thank God after about three months later I found BTS. I got my happiness back and they were my strength until now. This is not the end. My life is better but not that better.

I got stress when my age turned 16. At first I taught it was just normal stress but when I did the depression test I got stress and depression at the same level and if I don't do something about it, it will be worse.

This time BTS is being my happy vitamins. I always thinking about suicide before but thanks to BTS they really made me want to continue my life.

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