My Savours From My Ups And Downs 🇺🇸

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Hi! I'm Lauryn and I am from USA 🇺🇸 and THIS IS MY STORY.

It was the year 2015, I was a freshman at a completely new school district. I was leaving the friends I've known since second grade, walking in to such a new path and I was scared. I walked into the new building with my earbuds in my ear hoping to just get the feel of the school on the first day. placing my music on shuffle a song came on y didn't recognize.

One I couldn't even understand but I couldn't turn it off. It has grasped my attention, with my phone in my pocket I had the erge to pull it out and see what this interesting song was. I read my spotify with the title of "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" by a group I've only ever heard of, BTS. After the song was over and added to my playlist I couldn't fight the erge to look more into the group. After a day had gone by I came home to my sister who knew all about them.

I told her a song of theirs had come on as I was walking into school and I couldn't get it out of my head. She immediately switched the tv to youtube and we listened to 30+ songs and I found myself comforted with this music. I was in a deep depression and finding it so hard to see myself in a positive way.

Through the years of counting down to comeback days, watching the live performances, watching their videos to the fans, I grew to love these boys. they've helped me through life's toughest moments.

Sitting here now writing this a day before my 19th birthday, all I can say is my life became a joy with the help of these boys helping me live out my future.

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