One History In One Person, One Star In One Person 🇩🇪

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Hi! I'm Hannah Zoe and I am from Germany 🇩🇪 and THIS IS MY STORY.

It all started when I was 15 years old and my best friend told me about a song she found. It had weird signs on its title and the word 'DOPE'. But I enjoyed it. A lot. Since I started to love this song, I started listening to Kpop in general.

About three years later I started my career as an apprentice. I still remember that one time I was walking down the hallway in vocational school with my headphones on blasting 'DNA'. I remember it so well because that song made me feel light-footed and it was boosting my mood and even my confidence. I also put 'MIC DROP' in my playlist then.
You could say that I was growing up with Kpop and BTS' songs.

I didn't listen to it for a long time until everything changed. I started dating a boy back in December 2019. We had a great connection and we were madly in love. But not only was our relationship great, I also gained new friends and got to know his family and soon they started to become my family too. And then Corona happened. While the pandemic took over the world in March 2020 I was catching myself getting worried and more sensitive.

Everything was getting weird and I worried about the future and about my family. I was lost. Then my boyfriend broke up with me. He said that he didn't love me anymore. I was so shocked and numbed.

I couldn't believe what happened. Not only did I lost the most important person at that time, I lost my new friends and a new family through the breakup too. Also the world was dealing with a deadly virus that forced everyone to stay at home and don't meet anybody. My whole world was falling apart. And there's nothing I could do about it. I felt powerless and alone. I was doubting myself if I was enough. I either felt everything or nothing at all. I thought that I was going crazy. This was the worst experience in my whole life.

In May 2020 I was asking myself: "What did you do in your happiest times?" And I answered some hobbies I loved like playing piano or drawing and then I thought: "I was listening to Kpop"

So I started listening to my old forgotten Kpop-playlist again. And while I was scrolling through it I was wondering about BTS: "Hm, they are so popular. But why? What makes them special? If they are so well known, maybe I should check them out and learn their names at least" I got curious and started to watch some videos of them. And that's one of the best decisions I could've possibly made.

The more I learned about them the more I started loving them. Those are seven humble, hard-working artists who also act like completely normal boys. I've never seen such teamwork and friendship in a band ever before. They told me that it was okay to be me. That I'm enough.

And now I am so thankful for every single one of them. Namjoon taught me to do my best and not letting others determine my worth. I also bought many books he recommended because I like his taste and wanna learn more about literature. Seokjin taught me to be confident and not worrying about how others may think of me. Because of Yoongi I learned that it's okay not to be okay and if you work hard and don't give up you can do anything. I relate to Hoseok a lot because I am a bubbly and energetic person as he is. His smile could literally bright up the cloudiest day. I wanted to be like that too. I wanna be a sunshine person like he is.

Through Jimin I learned to be more kind to others and to myself. Taehyung taught me to be true to myself and do what I love. And last but not least; Because of Jungkook I learned how to be passionate. He motivatied me to become the best version of myself. I started to work out and increase my physical and mental health. I know that he doubts himself pretty often. And now I wanna say that he is worth it. Because he helped me see that I am worth it. In fact every one of BTS did.

They grabbed my hand when every other rope got cut off. They are my safe spot.

I don't know if I would be the person I am if I didn't had them in my life. I don't even know if I would be alive. But thankfully I am. And I wanna give them the same support and love that they've shown me.

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