Seven Guardian Angels 🇧🇧

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Hi! I'm Naomi and I am from Barbados 🇧🇧 and THIS IS MY STORY.

I was on my bed having my 5th mental breakdown for the month begging anyone that can hear me to save me, I look at my wrist and saw all the blood from the cuts I made and cry harder. After a few minutes I got up clean of the blood and walk though the door.

While looking though my phone I hard a really catchy song and look up the name of the song. The next day I listen to the song Save me by BTS. I looked up the group just so I could know their names. But after watching a few videos I realized I was genuinely laughing and smiling again and I had forgotten that I was planning on killing myself. Looking back I wonder what would have happened if I didn't find BTS.

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