Welcome To The Life Of Me 🇺🇸

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Hi! I'm Jailyn and I am from USA 🇺🇸 and THIS IS MY STORY.

I live in a Texas in a small town called Vanderbilt. I go to industrial high. I do colorgurd, band, track and volleyball. When you first meet me you would think my life is perfect because I'm always smiling and laughing but that's how I am, I'm act depressed but I don't show it every chance, I get alone I cry and wish I had someone I could talk to but everytime I try I just can't get the words out all I can say is I'm okay or I'm fine when I'm not.

I cry myself to sleep as I been bully in toxic relationships all that together made me go into a even deeper place where I feel like I had no one to turn to no to listen on how I actually felt no one to hold me and tell me everything going to be okay.

I couldn't talk to my parents because they will just say it's a phase you will get over it try having homophobic so even if you wanted to you can't come out to them because they will just scold you and tell who your supposed to love because it suck I turn to drugs and alcohol knowing that I'm just 14 and already becoming a druggie and alcoholic, it suck to think that's the only way to help with the pain.

But one day I was on YouTube and saw this video of these 7 handsome guy and when ever I clicked on it I never laughed or smiled so hard befor so I decided to do so research on them and found out that they are called BTS when I found this out I started to watch them more and more and every time I did all my problems went away and I could think about was them.

After watching them for some time my depression was almost gone I didn't have to fake smile or fake laugh it was all real and everytime someone would mention BTS you should see the smile on my face so if they ever read this thank you for being my happiness.

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