The Left Out Child 🇵🇭

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Hi! I'm Celine and I am from the Philippines 🇵🇭 and THIS IS MY STORY.

My name is Celine/Cel', but my internet friends, know me as moon. I came from the Philippines, but I was born in Greece, and this is my story of how BTS changed my life:

Growing up, I was known, for my whole life, as the quiet and shy kid. I always had trouble, making new friends, and communicating, because I grew up, with a lot of insecurities because of my height or ethnicity, I was always told that I'm a humble kid, who does what is asked to do. I was always alone, growing up, and even though, my classmates would warm up, to me, and invite me to play over with them, I always pushed them away, because I had always preferred to be indoors, and had issues with myself.

I always thought, that I wasn't good enough, or I didn't really bond much, with other kids, because I was stubborn. I only, hang out , with my only friend, from Elementary. I always would stand aside, from everyone else, and they'd sometimes make fun of me, because I was sitting alone, most of the time, and others opinions mattered to me, because I'm a people's pleaser, and I got bullied a lot, because I'm short and they'd call me Chinese, because of my skin tone.

I think, that it was around my Junior High School years, that I got into BTS, and I didn't really hang around, with a lot of kids, I was just wondering around in the break time, or sitting by myself, (since my elementary friend, had other friends and I was an introvert), but when a girl had asked me, if I listen to BTS and I told her, that I did, since then, I've met a lot of people, and became friends, with them, for a while, but I still felt insecure.

It was the period, when they had released their 'Love Yourself' album/era, and their speech of 'Speak Yourself' that they had done, with UNICEF, that I slowly stopped caring so much, what others would tell me, and their opinion, would matter less, than in my past self, and this past year, that has passed, up to today, I still try to work on taking care of myself, and loving myself, for who I am, (mostly mentally) but I'm still trying to stay positive, for them.

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