The 7 Boys That Are Shining In The Dark 🇲🇾

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Hi! I'm Eryna and I am from Malaysia 🇲🇾 and THIS IS MY STORY.

Before I became an ARMY, I always cry at midnight or whenever I was alone because I never have anybody to express my feelings or to laugh with. When covid-19 virus starts to spread all around the world and that we have to stay home, I really don't have anybody to talk to in social medias. I was on my own.

But one day, I downloaded tiktok because I saw my friends doing tiktoks and I thought it will be fun. I downloaded it and one day, a BTS video pop up in my fyp. I was like "who are they?" then I start searching about their names and their fandom. After a while I started listening to their songs and their songs made me appreciate myself.

Then, I searched the meanings behind their songs and it was BEAUTIFUL. I thought that it would be really great if i join their fandom. After I became an ARMY, I realized that I was more happy than before, I know how to laugh now and I started to love myself more.

These 7 boys really changed my life. I'm happy that a video about BTS popped up in my tiktok.

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