True Family 🇪🇬

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Hi! I'm Maram and I am from Egypt 🇪🇬 and THIS IS MY STORY.

My story with BTS started 2 years ago, when I was still on my first year in highschool.

Before knowing them, I was always quiet, mentally tired, I also rarely smiled. I had a goal to be an engineer, but I was always told that I am a girl and I can't be one. I got multiple mean comments regarding what I want to be. I reached to a point where I questioned myself.

"Do you even want this dream anymore?"

"Is it going to be worth all of this?"

I was pressured by family problems and my mother's sickness. Also exams and tests here have become extremely hard. I went through many mental breakdowns and always wondered whether I was going to even graduate or not.

And the fact that I was constantly body-shamed made me hate how I look. I hated myself for not being confident, for being socially awkward, and for not trying hard enough.

This all went on for a few months until my friend introduced me to these seven amazing and talented boys, whom I

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