The Cause Of My Euphoria 🇮🇩

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Hi! I'm Mix and I am from Indonesia 🇮🇩 and THIS IS MY STORY.

"BTS is the cause of My Euphoria, you know why?"

Because when I first knew them I just had this feeling that they were the one I was looking for.

The one I have always need to make my heart complete. Before I knew BTS I was in this dark place where I always wanted to cry and not to mention I had 'suicidal thoughts'. I didn't know who I am, my friends hated me, my parents was always angry and that's why I have always despise myself.

And then I met them, the first time I met them I felt like the whole world just started spinning again and that's the first time where I felt like this is who I am, where I belong.

The feeling being loved, being cared and feeling alive was all because of them, BTS. I always wonder why people said that BTS can turn your life upside down and I got to experienced it myself. I got a chance to feel free and love myself. Everytime I see them smile I feel happy and all my problems disappeared. They have made me who I am and made me love myself for who I am.

They did so many wonderful things and the fact that I have the chance to experience those wonderful things, it is amazing. I know people will still and always judge me because of the society we live in but as long as I have BTS beside me I have no problem with that.

If you judge because of society then you haven't learn how to respect people for who they are including yourself.

BTS have given me hope, love, care and feelings that I have never felt before. So thank you to them for making me feel the happiness and for making me feel proud of myself of being an ARMY.

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