My Journey With BTS 🇸🇬

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Hi! I'm Rachel and I am from Singapore 🇸🇬 and THIS IS MY STORY.

BTS is not just an ordinary 7-boys, they are kings and heroes to thousands and millions of people out there. When I was young, there was this period of time when I was going through my worst period of life I lost hope in everything trust, friendships and able to have someone who understands me and is willing to listen to me.

It was during this time when BTS aka the KING that came into my life bringing hope and sunshine into me, they were my saver my everything, they taught me how to love myself even more everyday, they taught me that if you want others to love you, you have to first learn how to love yourself.

They have taught me that no matter who you are where you come from your gender identity, your skin colour just love yourself and be it how old are you, you have the right to chase your dreams and to make it come true.

They also bring in a lot of different life lessons into my life like not to take the people around me for granted and think that they would always be with me all the time, not to take the little things that happened in my life for granted but we should be appreciative and appreciate for all the things that happened in our life cause they all happened for a reason and definitely a lesson learned from it.

They have also taught me that it is okay to feel discouraged at times but we must learn to overcome it and move on with life because LIFE GOES ON. The amout of things that BTS has taught me is just to many and countless.

The value that they taught me was perseverance because they have gone through so many tough times but they never give up, they continue to strive for the better and they also never thought of fighting back.

Instead they work better and come up with better projects to prove to the haters that they are wrong and that BTS will not be so easily get defeated.

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