I Need You 🇺🇸

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Hi! I'm Laura and I am from USA 🇺🇸 and THIS IS MY STORY.

Whenever someone asked me what my story was I never knew what to say or write. Once I heard the words "I want to hear your story" from Namjoon's mouth I was overwhelmed and I didn't know what to do or say.

It was always scary letting people in when so many had left my side, but letting BTS walk with me was never a mistake. I was hesitant when I opened the Magic Shop but I'm so truly happy that I decided to walk in.

When I learnt about them I was at my lowest, crying all night and maybe even all day. A really important person in my life had left my side once again. This time I didn't know how to handle it. I would try to cope by going out with friends and sleeping more than I should have. That lasted for longer than I would have wanted it to.

Falling asleep at 4am because I was playing shooting games with my friends and waking up at almost 3pm just to go out with another friend, was not something I was proud of, but it was the only way I could forget at least for a few hours.

The months kept passing by and all I really felt was nothing, my chest felt like there was a void. The emptiness was so big and hard to handle. I was lying on my bed once again with all those feelings threatening, my chest felt so tight and my eyes started to burn when the tears started coming out and at one point they wouldn't stop. Before that day I never knew what falling asleep while crying was.

I remember one day when I was out with one of my friends we stayed outside and watched the sunset. I put my headphones on and put my playlist on shuffle and deep down I was so glad that the song that played was Mikrokosmos. I turned my volume up and looked at the sunset. That day was the first time that I felt happy again, alive.

I thought that everything was fine until the back to school ad came up when I was watching a video on my phone. Remembering that school was right around the corner was not the problem, the problem was the people I would have to see, the person.

The first day of school I was more nervous than I had ever been but I tried to not show it since this person and me still had the same friend group, we talked and it wasn't bad at first but as the weeks passed by this person stopped talking to me it hurt at first but I just told myself that it was for the best. What really hurt was when I saw this same person with someone else I wanted to run but couldn't. I was waiting for a friend.

That day when I got home I broke down and I felt lost once again. I thought that everything was over but it wasn't.

This was the moment when I hung onto BTS for my life, I needed someone that would stay with me, embrace me and tell me that it was going to be okay, someone to comfort me.

That's what I found in BTS in their music. I felt the love and dedication that they put into their passion, music.

BTS and ARMY were like a comfort zone.

Somehow I always felt safe with all of the people in this big family.

I hope that one day I get to talk to all of the members and tell them how grateful I truly am that they saved me from doing something that I would have regretted. Thank you for taking me into your embrace because it feels so warm and I feel loved, something I haven't felt in a very long time.

My name is Laura Morales
and I finally got to Speak Myself .

Finally thank you Kim Namjoon for asking what our story is.Thank you BTS for wanting to listen
to all of us we love you.

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