Chapter 32 Party at the Dragonfly

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Chapter 32 Party at the Dragonfly

Rory was up before Logan Tuesday morning. This was unusual. Logan has always been an early riser unless hungover. He was not hungover. Not on alcohol anyway. She quietly got a shower and then dressed for the day. She had Logan load her car last night with the clothes they would all need for tonight. She checked on the boys before leaving. When she got downstairs, Karson was sitting at the bar eating a bowl of cereal. Rory told her that the boys and Logan are still asleep and to call if they needed anything.

When Rory arrived at the Inn, Michel was at the desk getting ready for the day and Sookie was in the kitchen. Rory went to get a cup of coffee from Sookie and hoped to steal a muffin. "Rory, how are you? Are you excited about the party tonight? I have been cooking for two days." Sookie said as she almost dropped the cake pan, she was greasing "Yes, have you seen Lane, I am ready to get started." "I'm right here," Lane said as she and the boys came through the back door. Both boys looked like they had just gotten out of bed. "I had a little trouble getting the boys up. Just wait. It will not belong, and you will have teenage twins too. Double the hormones."

They got started with the decorations. Lorelai had already picked out a real tree from the tree lot that Kirk was managing. Rory sent Steven and Kwan to go pick it up. They took the side-by-side with the trailer. "Stay off the roads. Go the back way" Lane yelled as they left. She shook her head. She told Rory that she didn't know if she would make it to them turning 16. "Where is Cindy?" "She is with Dave at the music store this morning. She thinks she is big enough to run the register." Lane and Rory talked while they decorated. Both are missing this. They were still best friends, but life got in the way. Lane was tickled when Rory moved to Hartford from Jacksonville. She had missed her greatly, as Rory had also missed Lane. Emails and Facetime can't beat face to face.

The boys arrived with the tree. It took the girls longer to get everything decorated than they thought it would. They were still working on it when Logan showed up. "Hey Ace, Lane, how's it going? Looks good in here" Rory and Lane stepped back, yes it did look good. "Logan, could you get the cookies out of the kitchen and set them on the tables," Rory asked as she kissed him. "Sure, what else do you need me to do?" He said as he looked at his watch. "It is getting close to 4:00. The boys will be here soon." "I called Karson and asked her to go ahead and bathe them. That will save some time." Logan nodded.

After arranging a few more decorations, Lane left to go get ready. Lorelai came in as Lane was leaving. "Wow, you outdid yourself this year," Lorelai said. "Hey Logan, didn't see you over there." "hi Lorelai '' he kissed Rory and told her he was going to head up to the room to get a shower. "Send the boys up when they get here. I start getting them dressed. Do you have different color shirts to go with their khakis? If so let them pick or have you decided?" Logan asked knowing he had run into this problem before. Putting the wrong color shirt on the wrong twin. "Red for Chriss. Green for Will. Everything else is just alike."

Rory and Lorelai were sitting in the Library talking when the boys came crashing in, Karson not too far behind them. "Nana, Mama, Wow, look at the Christmas tree" Will and Chris both said, talking over each other like they do. Rory swears they rehearse. "You have better get over here and give your Nana a hug or the tree may remain empty tonight." Both boys dove on the couch hugging Lorelai. Rory told Karson that Logan was in the suite taking a shower. She texts Logan to tell him Karson and the boys are on the way up. Logan replies 'OK, I'm dressed.' Rory told Karson to go ahead and go up with the boys. "Logan is going to dress the boys so you can go ahead and take a shower in the other room. I'll be up shortly to get ready also." Karson gathered the boys and headed up the stairs.

Logan and Rory were still in their room getting ready, or rather Rory was still getting ready while Logan waited. Karson and the boys had already headed downstairs. Rory finally came out of the bathroom. "I'm ready. Let's go." Logan stood up and took a good look at Rory. She had on a beautiful tunic Christmas sweater with black leggings. "You look good," Logan said as he kissed her. "You don't look so bad yourself. What color is that shirt? I thought it was a dark green, but now it looks like a navy blue." Logan grabbed her hand and headed out the door of their suite. "It's green," Logan said laughing.

When they got downstairs, everyone was enjoying themselves. They stood at the bottom of the stairs just looking. Babette and Miss Patty were in the library talking to Taylor. Maybe arguing. Who knows? At the cookie table, she saw Jess and Luke talking. Sookie just came out of the kitchen with a beautiful, decorated Christmas tree cake, almost dropping it when she bumped into T.J. getting himself more eggnog. Logan told her to look at the Christmas tree. She turned to look, and she saw the twins, Cindy, and several other small children on their hands and knees looking at the names on the presents while the older kids, Davey, Martha, Steve, Kwan, and several she didn't recognize were sitting in the corner trying to look like they didn't care whose names are on the gifts under the tree.

Rory and Logan headed toward the bar when Rory stopped in her tracks. Mitchum just walked in. He had his arms full of presents. Rory told Logan to go help him. Logan just stood there. Rory grabbed his arm and pulled him toward Mitchum. "Mitchum, what are you doing here? Not that you are not welcomed. Just didn't think this was the kind of Christmas party that appealed to you" "Well, Rory, I guess you were wrong. But I do need your help." He said setting the 4 gift bags full of presents on the floor. "Honor said that if I came, then I had to bring presents for all the kids. She wasn't sure how many or what ages. So, I brought a little of everything. Could I get your help putting names on them? You don't have to take them from me, you can say from Santa if you want." Rory said, "Sure, let's go to Mom's office so we can use the conference table. "Logan took him in there and I will get Mom to get a list of kids, names, and ages," Rory said as she pointed to Lorelai's office and then went to find Lorelai or Lane.

When Mitchum and Logan got in Lorelai's office, Logan said "Dad I am glad you came. I know this is not your style, but I really want you to enjoy your retirement. That means you do not always have to be such a stuffed shirt." Mitchum laughed as Rory returned with the list.

After everyone had snacked and enjoyed each other's company, Kirk went to the piano and Ms. Patty started singing Christmas Carols. Everyone joined in. Logan and Mitchum were standing by the stairs listening to them. "I think I am going to talk with Cynthia. See if she can move to Hartford or New York. If she stays in London, I will not get the chance to get to know Jessi. I know I was not the father you and Honor wished I was, but I would really like to try with Jessi." Logan looked at his dad. He saw something in his eyes he can't remember ever seeing before. "Well, I think that is a wonderful idea. But can I give you some advice?" Mitchum nodded. "Keep her away from your mom?" Logan smiled and nodded his head, "Yeah, but that is just common sense. My advice to you is to be a dad to her. Not just a father who provides everything he wants. Be a dad. Engage in her day-to-day activities. If she is into ballet, take her to class. Do not send her in a car, but you take her. Take her to school and pick her up." Mitchum looked at Logan. "Son, how did you get so smart about being a dad? You don't have any children other than your nephews and Rory's boys." "I just know what I want."

After the children opened the present and another round of singing. Rory gathered the boys and headed upstairs. It was past their bedtime. Logan followed her up. "Do you need some help? I notice Karson was busy." Rory smiled, "I saw. I think he is working here at the Inn. Mom said he is a nice boy. He went to college for two years. Now he is taking time off, working to make enough money to go back. Mom and Sookie are letting him stay in the bungalow in the back while he works here. That way he doesn't have any expenses. He eats here at the Inn or with Mom and Luke." That's great. I'm glad they are still young people out there that are willing to work for what they get. Oh yeah, I got the news" Rory looked at Logan, waiting for him to go on. "Dad is going to talk Cynthia into moving to Hartford or New York. He wants to be a part of Jessi's life." "That's good. He looked good in his casual wear. That color polo made him look younger." Logan laughed. "Do I need to worry? '' Rory hit him in the arm. "Never"

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