Chapter 93 Finally at home

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Chapter 93 Finally at home

Logan got Rory settled in their bedroom. Paris is on her way over to make sure Logan has everything taken care of. Rory was asleep. He went to the office and made a sign for the front door. DO NOT RING BELL. RECOVERING FROM SURGERY. PLEASE KNOCK. He taped it to the front door. Maybe visitors will listen. He was headed to his office and Ricky caught his attention. He was sitting on the patio. Logan opened the doors to the patio and called his name. He didn't answer. When Logan got closer, he saw that Ricky had his AirPods in. Logan tapped him on the shoulder.

"I want to thank you for your help. You are a part of this family. Do not ever think otherwise. I couldn't ask for a more respectful and big-hearted son if I hand-picked you." "Thanks, Rory has always treated me like her son. My dad was an idiot. I should not speak ill of the dead, as my grandmother would say. I am thankful for him bringing Rory into my life, which brought in the twins, then you, and now my little sister." Logan smiled. "You are a great big brother to the twins. I am sure you can show them how to be a big brother to Em. Thank you. Never hesitate to ask me to help you with anything. If you are not comfortable asking me, ask Rory." Ricky nodded. Logan caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Ms. Lewis was opening the front door. "Well, I guess that's my cue to get up and be a host," Logan said as he walked back into the house.

Dad, Cynthia, and Jessi. Hey, glad you could come. Rory is asleep right now. Mrs. Lewis can show you to the living. She will also be glad to get you a bottle of water" Logan said looking at his watch, "Or a drink. Dad, you know where the bar cart is, help yourself. I will go see if Rory is awake." When Logan hit the bottom of the stairs, "Jessi, the boys are downstairs playing or watching a movie, Karson is with them if you want to go, Mrs. Lewis can show you.

Mitchum was standing at the drink cart as Cynthia looked at the French doors at the patio, pool, pool house when Logan helped Rory down the stairs. "Well, don't you look good," Mitchum said. "Can't tell you just had surgery" Cynthia said. Rory smiled and nodded. Logan helped her sit down in a chair before he took the blanket off the back of one of the sofas. "Put your feet up. I'll be right back with you a bottle of water" Before he could turn around, Mrs. Lewis said. "It's right here Logan." Logan took the water bottle and handed it to Rory. "Thanks' "Is there anything else you need?" Logan looked at Rory, who shook her head. "No thank you, Mrs. Lewis. She turned to leave the room.

Mrs. Lewis has been working for Rory since Emily signed the manor over the Rory. She has worked in many places, with many types of people, but this was the only place that treated her like family. If her husband wasn't so set on retiring so they could travel, she would stay with Rory and Logan. She loved the energy in this house. The two twins are always in a whirlwind but so respectful. They were still little boys. Karson came to live/work with Rory immediately after Rory moved to Hartford. From day one, Rory treated that girl like a daughter that helps with the twins. Now they had Ricky. He seems to be a nice young man. He sure was worried about Rory while she was in the hospital. Yes, Mrs. Lewis thought. She liked being a part of this family.

The four adults talked. Asking about Rory and how she was feeling. Rory asked about the renovations to the Huntzburger Manor. She and Cynthia talked about the nursery. Rory offered for Logan to show Cynthia and Mitchum the nursery before they leave. Logan sat there listening. Rory and Cynthia were getting along well. "Babe, if you don't mind, I am going to check on the boys. He looked at Cynthia and the girl. I guess I am going to have to get used to that. It won't be long before Em will be born and playing in the basement with the rest." Everyone laughed. "After I check on the boys, Dad and I need to talk about London in my office. Is that okay?" "Yes, I will be fine. If I need to get up, I will just yell for Mrs. Lewis." "I can help you up," Cynthia said. Mitchum stood up. Cynthia is an RN. She was the charge nurse for the critical care unit at The London Bridge Hospital before she moved back to the states. She just needs to get her credentials up to date in the States." Rory smiled, "No, I did not know that."

Logan returned from downstairs with Karson. "They are playing a video game, Ricky is helping," Karson said as she rolled her eyes. "Well, have a seat," Rory said. "Have the two of you met?" Both shook their heads. "Cynthia, this Karson, Karson this is Cynthia." "Nice to meet you," Cynthia said. Then looked at Rory. "You must have been a baby when she was born," Cynthia said. Rory and Karson laughed. Rory was holding her stomach. "I was just a baby when Karson was born. So was her mother. We have been friends since 1st or 2nd grade. Katie, Karson's mother moved to Washington State after Karson was born to live with relatives. She married a businessman from New York. Katie, her husband, his son and their son all live and work in New York. When I moved to Hartford, Karson came to live with me. She is my part-time nanny. She is a Jr. in college. One of the best decisions I ever made." Rory said. Cynthia was smiling. "Mitch told me that your ex-husband's son also lives here." "Yes. He is my boys' half-brother. His name is Ricky. He also goes to college here in Hartford. He also works in the mailroom HPG. He set up housekeeping in the pool house and Karson set up housekeeping in the apartment in the basement." Rory said. "Rory, you are such a wonderful person. I have watched you and Logan here today. You treat your help like family." "Yes, my mother moved us to a small town when I was a year old and she was 17. She worked as a maid in an Inn. She and her business partner now own Inn and have been featured in Vacation Digest for the East Coast. So yes, I was brought up to respect people, regardless of their status in life." "Well, I think it is wonderful."

There was a knock at the door. Karson got up to answer it.

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