Chapter 49 Hawaii Cliffside

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Chapter 49 Hawaii Cliffside

After swearing Honor to secrecy, Logan and Rory boarded the plane to Hawaii. They talked with the boys and Lorelai before takeoff. Lorelai told her that Billy called the twins. "Anything I need to know?" Rory asked her mom. "No, they sat at the kitchen table and took turns talking to him. I was sitting right there." "Okay, Logan is headed back to his seat, so I'm sure we are about to take off." Logan sat in his seat beside Rory. "Hey, Lorelai. Did I miss talking to the boys?" Lorelai nodded. "They just left with Karson." "Okay, we have a 6-hour flight, it is 1:00 pm in California, we should land at 3 am Hawaii time," Logan said. "Okay, I will let you go. Call me when you land." Lorelai said. Rory looked at her watch. "Mom, that will probably be around 9 am your time." "Okay, call me when you get to your hotel." "Bye mom, kiss the boys for me."

They had been in the air for about an hour when Rory got sick. After a bout of throwing up, Logan grabbed a blanket and moved the seats around so that she could lay down. When they landed, Rory was better but weak. Logan had a car waiting on them. It was taking them to the Ritz-Carlton Residences. After they checked in and rested a bit, their rental car should be there.

On the way up to the elevator, Rory asked if their room had a view. Logan told her it had a view and a balcony. When they entered the room, Rory was amazed. She didn't know why. She should have known that the room would be exquisite. Rory looked around while Logan tipped the bellhop. "I know you want to unpack before you lay down, but if you want. I will unpack and you can rest." Logan said. Rory turned away from the balcony doors "I think it will be okay if we wait to unpack. I want you to sit on the balcony with me. I probably will take a nap, but I would like to do it with the ocean breeze on me." Logan agrees.

Monday morning at Cliffside. Honor was in Taylor's office talking about Shira. She was told that after her visit today, it was probably best to wait a few weeks before visiting again. She advised Honor that calling and video chatting twice a day would be allowed. Taylor wants to evaluate Shira again before any visitation. "Shira was a little offended because the staff will not call her Ms. Huntzburger. Our policy is to call the patients by their first name. No one gets special treatment. Other than that, everything seems to be going as well as expected." Taylor told Honor. She went to the dining hall for supper. She sat by herself, but after she gets used to it, I'm sure she will make some friends." Honor didn't say anything, she was sure Shira would not.

Taylor told Honor to go down the Activities Hall, and Shira was in the 2nd room to the right. She was getting a pedicure. Honor entered the room and sat down next to Shira. "Hey mom, how are you doing?" "Honor, I am so glad to see you. I did not sleep well last night. I think I have a fever. I talked with Taylor, but she told me I was fine. Look at my hands, they are shaking." Honor took her hand as she was standing up, finished with her pedicure. "Mother, we have talked about this. This is a symptom of withdrawal." "Sssh, Honor not so loud. It is no one business." Shira said angrily as they walked by the nurse's station. "Okay mother, I won't say it out loud."

They went back to Shira's room and chatted for a while. When Honor left, she went looking for Taylor. She knocked on her door. Taylor opened her door as a patient walked out. "Sorry to bother you, but I have a few concerns I would like to discuss with you." "Okay come in and have a seat." "Normally I would talk with my brother about stuff like this, but he is on his honeymoon. I don't want to bother him." Honor said. Taylor nodded for her to go on. "Shira seems to forget stuff. Not just stuff like 'where did I leave my glasses' but stuff like Logan is on his honeymoon or her and dad are divorced. Is that a symptom of withdrawal"? "No, has she had any of these symptoms before?" Honor hung her head. "I'm not sure. When mother and I talk it is usually quick. She doesn't approve of the school I am sending my boys to, she doesn't approve of me working, she doesn't approve of my hairstyle." Taylor said, "I get the picture. You call to do the daughterly thing, just not long enough for her to start to criticize." "Yep, That's it." Taylor had Shira's file open in front of her. "She is scheduled for an intake examination with our doctor. I will be sure to add it to the chart. He is very good and patient." Honor stood up to leave. She shook Taylor's hand. "Thank you so much. I will be staying in Malibu for about two weeks. Is it okay to call you and ask questions? I will call mom twice a day on the schedule that you have set up. Logan, my brother, may call also. I will make sure he is aware of the schedule. Will you call me if there is a problem?" "Yes, don't worry, she will be okay. I have your power of attorney on file. I will call you after her doctor's appointment.

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