Chapter 89 Tux Fitting

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Chapter 89 Tux Fitting

Saturday morning Rory woke up feeling great. She thought it was about time. She talked to Logan before going to bed last night. He Facetimed the boys earlier, then called her back after she got in bed. Both times she talked with him, he seemed distant. He didn't enlighten her on anything he discovered. He told her about this incredible new restaurant that Bobbi had reservations for him, Bobbi and her husband Timothy and Hank and his husband Charles tonight. He was meeting them at the restaurant. He also told her about walking through the newsroom in casual clothes and the blonde not knowing who she was flirting with. Rory got a laugh out of that. She told him that her dad was coming by in the morning to take the boys to be fitted for their tux. She told him that she was going to try to go with him. She told him about how uncomfortable she was yesterday. He was concerned and told her to call Paris or Dr. Boyett.

After getting out of the shower, she headed downstairs. She found the boys and Ricky eating breakfast. Looks like someone fixed a breakfast casserole. "Good morning boys," She said as she kissed each on the head, including Ricky. The boys asked if Logan was coming home today? Rory explained that he still had business to take care of in London. They both wanted to go to London to see him. At 4, almost 5 years old, she didn't think her boys were spoiled. Yes, they had a lot. She and Billy were able to provide all their needs and a lot of their wants up until now. Rory knew that Logan would step up. Rory didn't feel bad about that. They were smart and very respectable. Them wanting to go to London was not usual for several reasons. They are worried about Logan, and traveling in an airplane was second nature to them due to their dad's profession.

The boys ran off to get washed up and dressed. Rory asked Ricky if he wanted to come with them. Ricky declined. He told her that he was sticking around the house today. Rory went upstairs to hurry the boys up when her cell phone rang. "Hello, Dad" "Hey Kiddo, I am on the way. You said last night that you wanted to go with us. Are you feeling up to it? Lana is coming along also." "Sure, I feel better today than I have felt in a long time. Do you just want me to meet you at the tux shop or do you want to come over and ride with us? Remember I have two car seats." "We can take your car if that is okay?" Christopher said. "Yes, that is fine." "Gigi has talked with Karson. I think Gigi invited herself over. She told me she was hanging with Karson and Ricky today." "No problem Dad. I trust them '''' Okay, I will see you in a few."

It was decided that they would take Rory's car. It had more room. Christopher was driving, with Lana in the passenger seat. Rory was in the backseat with the twins in the rear. She thought that the twins would have to start sitting in the rear because Em would need to be in the back seat. At least while she is rear-facing she would be able to see the boys. That reminded her that she needed to get the car seats checked to make sure they are still in good condition. The car seats the boys are in convert to booster seats. Both hers and Karson's.

Christopher pulled to the front of the shop. He and Lana got out to help the boys out. Rory was getting out on her own. Well almost. Chris and Will tried to help. By the time Rory made it into the shop, Lana was talking with the saleslady. "Yes, a reservation under Hayden." I am Andrea if you will follow me" the lady escorted them to a private room. "Can I get you some bottled water, coffee?" Andrea asked. "Yes, a bottle of water will be great," Rory said. "Your hostess will be with you shortly." Lana spoke up "The other groomsmen will be here shortly" Rory had already taken a seat. As soon as Andrea left the room, Rory and Christopher both looked at each other, grinning. "Did she say, hostess?" Rory laughed. "That's what's heard," Christopher said. Both laugh hard now. Will and Chris were laughing too, but she didn't think they knew what was so funny. Lana just gave Christopher 'the eye'.

When the hostess arrived with several bottles of water, she introduced herself. "Hey, my name is Crystal. We are being fitted for a wedding?" She looked at Christopher and winked. She then turned to the boys," Which one of you is getting married?" Will and Chris's eyes got big. "We not getting married," Will said. As he started inching his way toward Rory. "Grandpa is marrying Ms. Lana," Chris said, pointing to Christopher and Lana." Crystal laughed. "So, you're not getting married, but you still need to wear a tux. While Ms. Lana and Grandpa pick out the type of tux he wants you to wear, we can step up here and get measured." Crystal walked toward the platform just as the tailor was entering the room. "This is Joseph" She pointed to the tall man with the tape measure. "And this is Sabrina" waving her hand. "She will be writing down your measurements."

Christopher had to move a chair closer to the platform so that Rory could sit closer. Chris was okay after Rory told him that she would sit closer, but Will was still standing close to Rory. While Joseph and Sabrina were taking measurements of Chris, Lana and Crystal were discussing types of tux. Christopher had stepped out of the room to take a call.

Rory stood up to walk around. Her back was killing her. Lana notices. "Rory are you okay?" "Yes, my back hurts this time. It did not hurt this soon with the twins." "Do you need to go to the hospital?" "No, just walking it off." She walked a few times around the platform while Chris was being measured. Rory was uncomfortable, She was not sure why. She had to walk around several times during the whole process. They decided it was not necessary to measure Will. Chris and Will are the same sizes.

After the fitting, Christopher took them to lunch. They were meeting Gigi. Rory just wanted to go home, but she didn't want to disappoint the boys. Lana did not overstep but you could tell she was a lot like Shira and Emily. Children were to be seen, not heard. She had never thought twice about leaving the boys with her dad, but now, she wanted to get to know Lana before. Lana and Christopher have been dating on and off for over three years. This last time lasted a year and a half.

When they got to the restaurant, Gigi, Karson, and Ricky were there. When the boys saw them they ran to their table. "Chris, Will, no running. Mind your manners' ' Rory told them. She could see the look on Lana's face. "I have to remind them to mind their manners, somewhere in their 4-year-old brains I am sure it is locked up on repeat," Rory said with a laugh. Christopher nodded with a smile.

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