Chapter 52 Honor heads home

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Chapter 52 Honor heads home

Meanwhile, back in Malibu Honor was getting packed up. She was leaving in the morning going back to Harford. The trip to Disneyland was canceled. She and Logan talked several times. They both were Zooming with Shira. According to Taylor, Shira is progressing. Honor was on the phone with Taylor now. She wanted to see Shira one last time before she left California. "I will make the arrangements. How long before you get here?" Taylor asked. "I am loading my car now. I should be there in 30 minutes."

Honor arrived at Cliffside. Shira was admitted a week and a half ago. Honor visited when allowed. Honor was escorted to Shira's room. When she entered her mother was in her recliner watching daytime TV. "Mom, how are you doing today?" "Honor was I expecting you. I didn't hear the doorbell ring. Please don't tell me you used your key. That is not proper" Honor looked at Shira as she sat on the bed next to the recliner. "Honor, the maid just made the bed. You know better than to sit on a made bed." Honor got up and pulled a chair next to her mom. "Mom?" "Honor is it so important that I have to miss my show?" Shira said without taking her eyes off the TV. Honor just sat there. She wasn't sure what to do. "I'm going to find Taylor; I will be right back." Shira never acknowledged her.

Honor knocked on Taylor's door. Taylor opened the door and asked her to step in. She was introduced to Shira's doctor. Taylor explained that is not the doctor that Shira started with. "This is Dr. Busby. He is a specialist." Honor shook his hand, "what kind of specialist?" she asked. "I specialize in patients with Alzheimer's". Honor just stood there. "My mother has Alzheimer's?" "Have a seat, Honor, Dr. Busby will explain". Honor sat down and looked at Dr. Busby, waiting for an explanation. "I am treating your mother along with an addiction specialist. We are coordinating a plan for her to follow." "I'm confused, my mother did not have Alzheimer's when she was checked in." "Honor," Taylor said as she stepped out from behind her desk with Shira's file. "I know this is hard to understand without some medical training, but this shows your mother's brain function two days after she arrived. Further tests show she is in the early stages of Alzheimer's. We are watching her closely." "Okay, what should we do?" Honor asked. "Well, we will continue to help her as she comes off all her drugs and alcohol, but we will not give her any medicine for Alzheimer's until she is completely clean." Dr. Busby explained. "While my brother and his wife were on their honeymoon, they got the news that there was a death in the family. He is dealing with the fallout from that. I will call him as soon as I can. He will not be able to come to California right now, but I would like to set up a Zoom with the four of us so you can answer his questions." "Just let me know when and I will set it up." Taylor said. Honor stood up asking for Dr. Busby's card. "I or my brother Logan will be in contact with you. Thank you."

Honor left Cliffside headed to the airport. Once she was on the airplane her pilot informed her there would be a 20-minute delay in taking off. She decided to use this time to talk with Logan. She checked the time. The funeral was over, maybe she could catch him at the wake. She hated bothering him, but Shira was his mother too.

Logan answered the phone on the 1st ring. "Honor?" Logan answered as he stepped out of the house. "Logan, I'm sorry to bother you. Please tell Rory I am sorry." "It's okay, she is in the office talking with Ronnie and Billy's lawyer. What's going on?" "I'm sitting on Dad's plane waiting for takeoff. I just left Cliffside. Mother has Alzheimer's" Honor was trying no to cry. "Alzheimer's, Are they sure?" "I talked with Taylor and Dr. Busby. The plan is to treat her for her addition and watch her closely. As soon as she is clean, they can start treating Alzheimer's." "I want to talk with this Dr. Busby." "I have his card. I suggested a Zoom meeting. I told them I would get back with them as to when." "Okay, I should be free Friday after lunch. Go ahead and set it up. I don't know if we are leaving tonight or in the morning." "Okay, how are Rory and the baby?" "They are fine," Logan said with a smile. "I'll call you when I know the details of our travel.... Honor. Thank you for taking care of this. I really appreciate it." "She is my mother too." Honor said as she disconnected the call.

Honor called Josh while she was waiting to take off. She told him about Shira. He told her about the boys and what they have been up to. The captain informed Honor to buckle her seat, they would be taking off in a few minutes. She hung up the phone with Josh as she felt the plane taxi down the runway.

When she landed in Hartford, she was tired. She was so beyond tired that she could not think of a word to describe her. Frank was waiting on her when she landed. She was grateful. She was not sure she would be able to drive the short trip home. When she got home, Josh was waiting on her. He helped Frank unload the car. Honor was excited about seeing her boys again. She brought presents. She knew they would be excited too.

Friday morning Honor called Logan to confirm the time for the Zoom meeting with Dr. Busby. Logan explained that he had set aside this time to talk to the Doctor. Rory and her dad were busy with the fall out of the reading of the Will. He told Honor that he will take the Zoom meeting in their bedroom. He told her there are still in Jacksonville.

When it was time for the meeting, Honor called Logan to remind him. He was in the bedroom ready for the meeting. Honor's face appeared on the screen first, then Taylor and he guessed the man was Dr. Busby. They talked. They listened. They ask questions. After Logan was convinced, he had asked everything, he told Dr. Busby that to continue the way he was treating Shira and that he would like to have another meeting in a couple of days.

After the meeting, Logan called Honor. "I want her to see another doctor," Logan said. "Okay, if you think it is necessary," Honor replied. "I do. I will make some calls, but it will be after we get home. I think we should continue to let them treat her for the addition. When she is clean, I want her moved to Hartford. Honor I will take care of this. Don't say anything to anyone." Honor nodded although Logan couldn't see her.

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