Chapter 62 Scam discovered

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Chapter 62 Scam discovered

Logan was up and gone before Rory got up at 7:00. She knew he had a lot to do today. He has a meeting scheduled for Friday at the Huntzburger Manor concerning Shira. This means he needs to get as much done as possible today. Spending the weekend working is not something a newlywed wants to do.

Rory arrived downstairs to what she thought was an empty house. She walked in the kitchen to see Ricky and Karson at the bar eating cereal. "Good morning" Rory greeted. Both nodded with a mouth full of cereal. "What are the plans for today?" Rory asked. Ricky swallowed. "I need a few items to hold me over until I can go get my stuff from California." Rory nodded as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "Should you be drinking that?" Ricky asked. Rory looked at him with a raised eyebrow "I am allowed one cup a day. Did Logan put you on Coffee watch?" Karson scoffed "Better you than me" Rory looked at both. "Are you ganging up on me? They both told her no with a smirk.

"Karson, if you don't have any plans, why don't you go with him and show him the best places to shop. While you are out, you can show him around campus." Karson looked at Ricky "Sure if you don't mind, I would welcome the company. I don't know anyone here." "Great, now that is settled, I am going to shower. I need to do some writing today. When the boys get up, I'll feed them and let them have some screen time with me in the office."

Rory and the boys were watching a movie. Rory worked on her book till lunch. It was showing outside, and she just wanted to curl up with the boys and watch a movie. She let them pick out the movie. They had popcorn and red vines watching 'Raya the Last Dragon'. This was something that will become a rarity in the future. Both boys were almost asleep when Rory heard Ricky and Karson pull up. Ricky was not used to driving in the snow. Rory was glad they were back.

Rory eased up off the sofa. She didn't want to wake the boys. She was headed to the door to look out when they entered laughing. "Sssh, not so loud. The boys fell asleep watching a movie." They followed Rory out of the room. "Let's go to the office. I want to see what you bought."

They were in the office. Karson was telling about Ricky trying on clothes at City Trends and American Outfitters. When Logan entered the house, he didn't hear or see anyone. He walked into the living room and saw the boys asleep. He then heard laughing coming from the office. "What's going on in here?" Logan asked as he entered the room. Rory swirled around in her chair. "Logan '' she looked at her watch. "Your home early. I didn't expect you until later tonight." Rory said as Logan kissed her on the lips. "I got off early. I still have some stuff to do, but I can do most of it from here. I need to talk with Ricky." "Yeah, what's up. I haven't been here long enough to get in trouble" Ricky laughed. "No, you're not in trouble, but I" Logan cut his at Rory "am going to California Monday. Do you want to catch a ride? We are landing in Malibu. I will rent you a car to go pick up the rest of your stuff. If everything works out, we will be leaving Tuesday coming back." "Sounds good to me. It's about an hour and a half drive from Malibu to Santa Monica as long as I take the back roads and not the crowded interstate." Plans were made. Logan wanted to take Rory out to eat. Karson watched the boys so they could go eat.

Friday morning Rory found Logan in the home office when she got up. "Hey, I thought since your meeting was early that you would have stayed in bed with me," Rory said. "Ace, good morning," Logan said as he kissed Rory. "You were sleeping so good; I didn't want to wake you." "You're so sweet," she said as she sat in his lap. They sat there like that for a while discussing the things that married people discuss, until Logan's phone rang. Rory got up and headed to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee to start her morning off. Logan popped his head in the kitchen to tell Rory that he had to meet with Dillon before the meeting with the Doctors.

When Logan pulled up at the Huntzburger Manor, Dillon was already there. He got out of his car and shook Logan's hand. Logan opened the door and told Dillon to just head for the office, the last door on the left. Logan went in search of Evelyn. It didn't take long for him to find her.

When Logan enters the office, Dillon was sitting in the chairs in front of Logan's desk. He has his messenger bag in the other chair. Logan sat down behind the desks, "Let's see what you got. I swear Dillon if what you have found is true," Logan was shaking his head "I don't know what I will do. Murder will send me to prison, and I will miss raising my family" Dillon was pointing out stuff on the papers and pictures that Logan was looking at when Evelyn knocked and entered with Coffee and muffins. Logan thanked her and asked her to come back in about 30 minutes, he wanted to talk with her.

The information that Dillon has pointed to, not only Cliffside scamming them, but Shira too. Logan was having a hard time wrapping his head around this. He knew his mother was evil, but this was beyond anything he could fathom.

Evelyn came back as requested. Logan and Dillon had some questions for her. Logan assured her that her job was not at risk. She answered all the questions truthfully. Some of the questions she hesitated. Logan again assured her that her job was not in jeopardy.

By the time that Mitchum arrived, Logan had enough proof to show him. With what the doctor discovered; it was enough to shut down Cliffside. While Logan and Dillon were telling Mitchum what they discovered, Evelyn returned with Shira's laptop. Dillon took the laptop and moved to the couch in Logan's office so that Honor could sit in the chairs. While Logan showed Honor what they found out about Cliffside, Dillon was breaking the password on Shira's computer.

Honor was horrified. She was having trouble believing that a certified facility like Cliffside, with its reputation, could be scamming people out of their money by claiming patients have Alzheimer's. Logan and Mitchum exchanged looks. This was going to be harder than they thought. Logan has always been protective of Honor, even when he was in middle school and Honor in high school. Boys that broke her heart usually found themselves in trouble at school. One even got expelled.

Dillon found the password. He discovered what he was looking for. In Shira's history, he found searches on Cliffside and Alzheimer's. He showed Logan. "Thanks, Dillon. Continue with that and then investigate Taylor. Also, Dr. Whaley had an emergency. Could you get with him? He is contacting the state of California licensing board and telling them what he has found. I want a detailed report of that information as well as a detailed report on what you are working on before I leave Sunday." Dillon nodded as he headed out the door. "Dillon, is it possible for you to come with me to California?" Dillon nodded and left the room.

"I thought we were leaving Monday after I got the boys off to school?" Honor said. "Yeah, there has been a change in plans. I'm going. You don't have to. "Honor maybe it would be better to let Logan handle this," Mitchum said. "Why," Honor said. She was getting angry. Honor you are welcome to come, but when I show you the rest of what Dillon has discovered you may not want to." Logan said.

Logan began to tell and show Honor the information Dillon had gathered on Shira. Dillon was looking into her accounts. Looks like she has been stifling off money from several of her accounts. The household account that is set up is being abused. Shira had control of it. According to Evelyn, several of these teas and parties she hosted did not cost as much as she was turning in receipts for.

Honor was in shock. Her mouth kept moving but nothing was coming out. She had tears running down her face. Mitchum got up and left the room. Honor was his princess. He couldn't sit there and watch her. I hurt him too much. Everyone thought he was hard and unfeeling, but he always had a soft spot for Honor. Logan got up and kneed down in front of her. "I know this is a shock. Honor looks at me. You are going to be okay. Shira is who Shira is. We will get to the bottom of this. I promise I will not leave her homeless. She is my mother after all. But she will pay for this. One way or another." Honor just nodded. Logan kissed her on the cheek as Mitchum returned to the room. "Josh is on his way to pick you up. I don't think it is a good idea for you to drive. I will drive your car back home and have Frank pick me up at your house. I would like to see my grandsons for a few minutes." Mitchum said. "Logan, as soon as it gets warm enough, I think we should have a family BBQ," Mitchum said. With everything, he has learned in the past few months. Having Jessi and Cynthia back in his life, made Mitchum realize just what he missed. "Sounds good, dad. I will get with Rory." Logan said.

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