Chapter 131 Saturday on the Vineyard

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Chapter 131 Saturday on the Vineyard

Saturday morning, when Rory made it downstairs, she had a full house. The Huntzburger house has become social central, she thought. The ladies had magazines spread out everywhere. She didn't see any of the men or boys. Honor was the first to see her. "Rory, Rory, you will never believe what happened last night." "Probably not, tell me," Rory asked. "Dad proposed to Cynthia. They come rolling in with the fog this morning." Honor said. Rory smiled. "Let me see the ring." Cynthia held out her hand. "It is perfect." Cynthia was smiling from ear to ear. "Were you expecting it?" Rory asked, "No, I have thought about it over the years, but didn't think it was possible." Cynthia said.

Upon inquiry, Rory found out the men took the boys out on the yacht. Rory was not really happy about it. She knew they would take care of the boys, but she wished she could have gone. it would have made her feel better. Cynthia could see the worry on her face. "Hey, they just took it to the marina to fill the tanks up. They aren't taking it too far out, nor will they be gone long." Cynthia said.

Honor was in wedding planning mode. Several times she thought she heard Cynthia say, "I don't want a big wedding". But Honor didn't seem to be listening. Rory walked out on the deck to see if she could see the yacht. While she was searching, her phone rang in her pocket. "Hello, mom.".......yeah this house is social I made that up earlier today.......he and the rest of the men took the yacht to get fueled up........I know mom......yes I worry too, but Logan won't let anything happen to the boys.........wait before you say anything else. I've got to tell you something.......yes, yes,....ok. Now can I tell you?.... Mitchum took Cynthia out on the yacht yesterday and proposed.....I know......Hey mom I need to go. I see them approaching the dock.......I'll ask Logan, but will probably be better tomorrow....I'll call you back later. Rory hung up the phone, opened the gate, and headed for the dock.

The house was buzzing with activity. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Rory and Logan were sitting on the dock talking. "I think Cynthia wants a small wedding, but Honor is in planning mode," Rory said. "I think I should talk with Cynthia. If I'm right, will you help me reel Honor in?" Logan laughed. "Yes, if she wants a small wedding, I will talk with dad and he can help reel Honor in," Logan said. " Before I forget, mom wants us to come to Nantucket tomorrow. Well, she wanted us to come today, but I didn't think we would have enough time." Rory said. "I looked at the ferry schedule earlier. We could go over around lunch and stay most of the day. The only thing is leaving everyone else to get ready for the invasion tomorrow." Rory said. "We can take the yacht. Is there a dock close by? I'll find out. If we take the yacht, we will not have to be dependent on the ferry schedule." Logan said. Rory nodded.

"Now that is settled, help me up. My butt hurts" Rory said. Logan got up, then pulled Rory up. Her leg was asleep. Logan had to help her back to the house. After a lot of pool time, the little kids were asleep. The big kids were watching a movie. The adults were all sitting around the deck. Finn and his boyfriend arrived earlier today. They are staying with Collin and Steph. Rory was leaned back on Logan in the lounge chair.

"I know we have had a lot of wedding talk, but I have a suggestion," Rory said as Logan helped her sit up. " I heard Cynthia say she would like a small wedding. She just wanted a simple ceremony with the family." "Honor, hear her out," Mitchum said. "We could have the ceremony here. Friday, July 8th. We are planning on going home Friday, so after the ceremony, you will have the house to yourselves. Then Honor can take her time and plan a reception in Hartford. Maybe enough time will have passed that this nightmare with Melissa will be over. And I will have already birthed baby Em. I can party too. " Rory said. Everyone laughed.

Mitchum said. "I like that idea. Logan is unofficially on paternity leave, only working from home until baby Em arrives, then he will be on full paternity leave and I will be back in the office. Plan the reception after Logan gets back and we can leave from the reception to go on our honeymoon." "I like that idea as well," Cynthia said.

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