Chapter 134 Christopher Decisions to make.

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Sorry guys, short chapter, trying to get this confrontation in before the wedding preparations.

Chapter 134 Christopher Decisions to make.

The next morning Christopher was at the Huntzberger house early. He asked to speak with Logan, Rory, and Gigi in the office. After everyone got situated with fruit and juice, Christopher started. "I have somethings to say and I would appreciate it if you let me say it before interrupting." They all nodded. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry about the rehearsal dinner. Lana has always been a little selfish. I didn't have a problem with that. I think maybe I'm attracted to selfish women. Lorelai, sorry Rory, Sherry, sorry Gigi, and now Lana. I have had 2 failed marriages. I really thought this one would work out. Lana doesn't want any children. That's a good thing because I have 2 princesses already. I knew she did not like children, but I assumed she could fake it. It's not like the twins are always at our house." Christopher stopped and took a deep breath. "When we got back to the house last night. She let me have it. All she could do was talk about how spoiled the twins are, how I let Gigi get away with everything. Now that we are married, she is going to be making some changes." Christopher shook his head. "I stopped listening after that. Her friends started weighing in. I could get a word in. I finally went to sleep. I woke this morning and they were all gone. Lana left me a note telling me she would be back in Hartford Monday at our home. She was going to spend the rest of her vacation in the Hamptons with her friends."

No one said anything. No one knows what to say. Logan finally spoke up. "Chris, what are you going to do? It sounds to me like you and Lana will be living separate lives if you plan to continue to be in the twins' life. As far as Gigi is concerned. She is welcome to stay with us at Hotel Huntzburger. There is always room"

Christopher looked at Rory, "What do you think?" She took a deep breath. "I can't imagine anyone not liking kids. But I guess that is possible. I can't say I was jumping for joy to be around kids before I had any, but I didn't not want to be around them either. Dad you once told me, I believe it was when Logan and I broke up, that all you wanted for me was to be happy. Being happy meant dating the milkman, that was okay with you." Rory smiled at her dad. "But, you don't seem very happy at the moment. I am sure at some point she made you happy or you would not have married her." Christopher nodded his head and smiled. "Dad, when was the last time you and Lana laughed?" Gigi asked. Christopher turned his head to look at Gigi. Christopher nodded his head. "When is the last time you were happy with Lana, and I don't want to think about nor am I talking about sex," Gigi said. "Ewe," both girls said. Christopher laughed.

"So, what do you three think I should do about her?" Christopher asked. "I think I will defer to my wife," Logan said. Rory looked at Gigi, then back to Christopher. "Sit her down. Tell her that your children and grandchildren are important to you. That you will not always expect her to visit them with you, but there will be occasions that she will need to be around them and she needs to figure out how to do that without pissing me off" Rory said.

She looked at Gigi, then back to her dad. "Well, Dad, I think you should divorce her now. That would make my life easier, but I am smart enough to know that I am spoiled, but I do want you to be happy. So if you and Lana can come to some agreement, similar to what Rory said, I would be okay with it. As long as you are happy." Gigi said.

Christopher just sat there. He needed to process what both girls had said. "Christopher, you said earlier that she and her crew left to go to the Hamptons," Logan asked. Chris nodded. "The way I see it, you have two choices. Leave now and go get her from the Hamptons and have a talk to see if this marriage is salvageable. Or just wait until she gets back to Hartford. Now that is if you take Rory's advice. Now if you take Gigi. We have a house full of lawyers right now."

Christopher was still sitting in the office thinking when there was a knock on the door. He was close to the door so he opened the door. It was Will. He had been crying, He looked around the room till he found his mom. He headed straight for her. Christopher asked him what was wrong. He froze. He looked back at him then buried his head in Rory's shoulder. Logan could tell she was uncomfortable, so he scooted over closer to her and put Will in his lap. "Buddy, what's wrong? "I not find you. I wanted you. Mema said you were busy, but I wanted you." Will said. "Hey, we are right here. We will not go anywhere without telling you. Okay?" Will nodded. "I not find Ricky or Karson," Will said. Logan smiled. No telling where they are. Logan stood up with Will in his arms and turned to help Rory up. "Dad, we will support whatever you decide, as long as you being with her does not cause any harm to my children, physical or mental," Rory said. "Hey, Dad, we love you, don't ever forget that."

They left the room, leaving Gigi and Christopher. "Do you think Will wanting Rory like that has anything to do with what happened last night?" Christopher asked. "I don't know Dad, but did you see his face when saw you and thought she was with you," Gigi said. Christopher nodded. "Dad, I'm with Rory, I love you and will support whatever you decide. As long as my nephew and niece are not in harm's way.

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