Chapter 96 Shira, Shira Oh, She's my mother.

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Chapter 96 Shira, Shira Oh, She's my mother.

Monday morning, Logan's internal clock went off. He got up, easily, trying not to wake Rory. He instructed her last night to call him on his phone when she was ready to come downstairs or needed help in the bathroom. He made her promise she would call him. When he got out of the shower, Rory was waking up. "Hey, you need me to help you to the bathroom?" Rory didn't say anything, she sat up and groaned, swung her legs off the bed. Before she could try to get up, Logan was in front of her. "Go ahead, I will catch you if you fall," Logan said. "Help me up, please," Rory said. Logan helped her to the bathroom. When returned to the bedroom he helped her back into bed. Logan was just putting her shirt on, "Ace, I'm just going to be downstairs in the office. If you need me, or just want to come downstairs, call me on my cell phone. The remote to the TV, Stereo, and DVR is on the nightstand on your side of the bed. Call me and I will help you change pajamas" Logan said with a smile. "Yes, sir, I will. Tell the boys to come to kiss me before they leave for school." Logan nodded as left the room. "Logan," Rory said loudly. "Yes," he said as he stuck his head back in the door. "Mrs. Lewis is off today. She is expecting a grocery delivery this morning. I told her that you would take care of it." Rory said with a grin. "I will be more than happy to help" Logan saluted her as he left the room.

After the boys left for school, Logan went upstairs to check on Rory. She was asleep. That's what she needs, rest. He went back to his office. On his way down the stairs, he heard a knock on the door. He looked at his watch. Must be Dillon. Logan opened the door to Dillon. Dillon followed him to the office.

"How's Rory doing?" "She's sore. She is resting upstairs. She will call me if she wants to come down." Logan said. Dillon had a folder in his lap. Logan took a deep breath. "Okay, Let's get this started," Logan said and Dillon laid the folder on his desk. "I have pictures, phone records, and travel logs," Dillon said as he patted the folder. "We have proof. That is not the problem. I need to know what to do with the information." Logan said. "Man, I don't know what to tell you," Dillon said. "Forget this is my mother. If she was any other employee, what would your advice be?" Logan asked. Dillon rubbed his chin with his hand. "First off, my suggestion would be to confront her with the proof you have. She is not an employee, so suggesting you fire her is an option." Logan just nodded his head. "Dad wants to kill her," Logan said. Dillon looked at Logan. "Please don't say that out loud again. I don't care if you are kidding or not." Logan smiled, "Yeah, not a good idea." Logan's phone started to ring. He glances down to see 'ACE' flashing on the screen. "Good Morning again.....I will be right up...... I love you too." He hung up the phone and looked at Dillon. "I'm going upstairs to help Rory, I will be back. I have an idea that has been bouncing around in my head. Call Mitchum. See if he can come to the house this morning. I want to run it by both of you." Logan said as he got up to leave the room. Dillon picked up his phone to make the call.

Logan helped Rory change clothes, and get comfortable downstairs. By the time he got her situated, Karson was back from taking the boys. She stopped at Krispy Kreme and brought back an assortment of donuts. He left Rory and Karson sitting in the living room watching a movie and eating donuts. When he returned to the office, Dillon told him that Mitchum said he would be here in a few. He was at the club playing golf, but he was doing bad so this would be an excuse to leave. Logan shook his head. "You know, I think my dad thinks he has started his life over, but this time, he doesn't have to work." Logan and Dillon were laughing when they heard a knock on the door. "I'll go get it," Logan said, but before he could get out of the office he heard Lorelai. He just turned around and went back to his desk. Pulled out his phone, text Rory, to let him know if she needed him. He told her heard Lorelai come in and that he was expecting his dad. Just send him to the office.

Dillon and Logan talked about the investigation into Billy's wreck. Dillon told Logan he had a line of communication with Agent Stone. Melissa is still missing. "There are no charges on her credit cards. They are not giving up, but it looks like they have come to a dead end." Dillon told Logan. Logan told Dillon to stay on it and keep in contact with the FBI.

"Didn't I see you and Agent Horn talking at the elevator," Logan asked. Dillon laughed, "Nothing gets by a newspaperman. Agent Horn and I dated in college. We even went through FBI training together. After graduation, assignments were given out. We had hoped for the same post, but she got California, LA to be exact. I got Washington DC. Long-distance did not work, especially when you are undercover for some times for 3, 4 months at a time. You know what happened to me. So here we are.

Logan's phone rang again. Rory texted him to say she heard someone pull in the drive. "Rory thinks Dad just pulled it. I will get the door so I don't interrupt their movie." Logan opened the door before Mitchum could knock. "Hey Dad, come on in. Dillon and I are back in the office." "Okay, can I say hey to my daughter-in-law and grandbaby?" Logan smiled. "Yeah, but make it quick, they are watching a movie. Interruptions are no-nos" Logan said. "A no-no?" Mitchum laughed. When he entered the room, the blinds and curtains were drawn, the lights were out. All he could see was the TV screen. When he got closer he saw Rory sitting in a recliner, wrapped in a blanket eating M&M's. Walked behind the sofa and over to her chair. He touched her arm to get her attention. She turned her head to him. "Hey, just wanted to see how you were doing and tell you that Cynthia enjoyed spending time with you yesterday," Mitchum whispered. Lorelai turned her head toward Mitchum "SShhhhs" Rory smiled at Mitchum, "tell him I enjoyed it too, and I am looking forward to seeing what she is doing to the Manor." Mitchum nodded his head and left the room.

When he reached the office, Logan and Dillon were discussing Billy's wreck. "Your mother-in-law has no manners," Mitchum said. "How did Rory grow up to be as sweet a girl as she is? The credit has to go to Emily and Richard." Mitchum said as he sat down. Logan grinned at him, "some say the same about me" Mitchum laughed and nodded his head.

"So, what's this idea that you have?" Mitchum asked. "Don't go packing your shovels yet, Dad," Dillon shook his head. "You have got to stop that." Mitchum and Logan laughed. "I was joking around the other day, I'm not even sure who I was talking with, but I said I should just ship her off to London. Well, I was thinking about that. I could ship her off to London...wait, Dad, let me finish. Set her up in the fashion she is used to, and tell her I will cut her off completely if she steps foot back on the east coast of the United States." Mitchum just sat there. He opens his mouth to speak, then closes it. He looks at Dillon, then at Logan. "Dillon, What do you think?" Mitchum asked. He shook his head. "She is Logan and Honor's mother. She gave birth to them. Without her, there would be no Honor or Logan." Dillon said. "Now that I have said that. I don't see any other way. You have set her up in Hartford. Took care of her utilities and gave her spending money. She was not satisfied. The only other thing I can think of is to put her out in the streets. Take her home away from her. But if you do that, she will sell her story to anyone that will listen and make tons of money. So yeah, send her to London or California. Write up a contract. Get a restraining order and be done with her."

Logan listened to what Dillon was saying. He looked at his dad. The look on Mitchum's face told it all. "No, Dad. I will not let you hire a hitman." "I told you to stop that. Something is going to happen to her and the FBI will be looking at you two." Dillon said. "Dad, you lived with her for years. How much money are we talking about?" "Logan, you paid her bills for the last several years. A million a year?" Logan sat back. The thoughts that were going through his head were not good. He was calculating how much longer she would live. Logan shook his head. "I don't mean to sound like a spoiled rich brat, but I could sell one of Granddad's properties that we never visit and buy her a house in California and set her up with a million dollars a year, and still put money in my pocket." Mitchum stood up. "Talk to your sister. Get her to take on this. Logan be sure to tell her about what she did with Acerogan, Inc. Honor knows about the Alzheimer scam, but does she know about her having someone run through your yard. To what scares you. Tell her everything Logan, and don't let him talk you out of it. Tell her if she still wants to maintain contact with her, that she will have to visit her in California." Mitchum walked out of the door, spoke to Rory as he was leaving, and went out the door.

Logan and Dillon sat in his office. "I need to talk with Honor and Josh." "Yes you do," Dillon said.

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