Chapter 38 Santa is bringing Ms. Lessa coal in her stockings.

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Chapter 38 Santa is bringing Ms. Lessa coal in her stockings.

After the kids finished wrapping presents, they all sat down to watch a movie. They watched a Miracle on 34th Street on Disney Plus. About mid-way through the movie, they had to pause it. Billy was calling. He and Melissa talked with the boys for a little while. Rory was listening. She had warned Billy about Melissa's attitude about the twins. While they are on the phone with Billy, Lorelai and Luke show up. After a few snacks, they resumed the movie. Lorelai wanted them to start it over, but Rory vetoed it. "Mom you are welcome to watch it from the beginning after the boys go to bed." "No Nana, you have to go to sleep when we do," Will said. "Why do I have to go to bed. I want to stay up all night." Lorelai said with a chuckle, winking at Rory. Chris stood up, "Nana, you can't. Santa Claus will not come if you are awake" Chris looked like he was going to cry. Logan picked him up and put him in his lap. "Hey, Nana is just playing. She will go to sleep. Santa will come." Then he whispered in his ear. "I think I may have some fairy dust. I will sprinkle her with it so she will go to sleep." Chris smiled. "Yeah" "Okay, now that that is settled, Nana will go to sleep, Let's finish watching the movie before it is too late. We still have to set out the cookies and milk for Santa." Rory said as she un-paused the movie.

Rory and Logan were downstairs playing Santa after everyone was asleep. Rory had stockings to fill for everyone that she thought would be coming tomorrow. She had a few extra in case they had stragglers. Logan was getting the Big Wheels out of the office. He had spent a good hour or so putting them together. Logan stepped back to look at the room. The tree was overflowing with gifts. Rory was still stuffing stockings. "Logan, you need to drink the milk and eat some cookies," Rory told him. "I would rather drink Scotch. I'm sure Santa would too." Rory walked over to the plate of cookies and grabbed one as she sat in Logan's lap. "Are you Santa?" "Ace, I will be whoever you want me to be." He reached up and kissed her. "EW" they both turned around to see Lorelai standing at the door. "Mom, what are you doing?" "I have come to fill stockings," Lorelai said so very proud of herself. "Mom, I have filled all the stockings. Why don't you wait until we come to your house on the 26th?" Lorelai pouted. "I guess that is a better option."

The next morning, Rory was up early. The boys are still young, but they know not to go downstairs without an adult. She got up and put on her robe. She grabbed a book off her nightstand that she had been reading and sat in her chair by the window to read. She only read two pagers before she heard the boys getting up. She was not sure which one woke first, but she could hear the excitement in their voices. "Logan, time to get up. The boys will be in here any minute." Logan opened his eyes. "What are you doing over there." "Waiting on the boys to get up." I have already text mom and Karson. I'm sure one of them is making coffee as we speak." Rory heard little feet on the hardwood floors. Then a small knock on the door. Before she could answer, Chris said, "Knock harder, like this" KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. "Come in boys. What's all this commotion about this morning. It is way too early to be up." Rory said with a smile. Both boys came in and jumped on the bed. "Logan gets up. I think I heard Santa Claus last night. I heard his reindeer on the roof. You didn't forget to put out the fire in the fireplace did you" Will asked.

"Okay, I'm getting up. I'm sure Santa came." Logan said as he sits up on the side of the bed. He had slept in his pajama bottom, so he got up to get a tee shirt about the same time Lorelai came busting in the door without knocking. "Woah. Are we doing a striptease?" "No, I'm just putting my tee-shirt on so we could go down to see if Santa left presents or coal in the stockings." "Well, I know for a fact that there are presents under the tree. Santa ate all the cookies and drank all the milk." Lorelai said as they were leaving the bedroom to go downstairs with Logan and Rory right behind them.

"I left some cookies; I didn't eat them all" Logan whispered to Rory. She just shrugged her shoulders.

To say the boys were excited would be an understatement. After an hour of playing with the toys that Santa left, Rory told them to come to the kitchen for breakfast. Poppy had been cooking for a while.

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