Chapter 107 Another Trip to the ER

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Chapter 107 Another Trip to the ER

Saturday morning Logan and Rory left the house on Logan's tesla. Finn wanted Logan and Rory to meet him at a thoroughbred horse ranch he was interested in buying. Logan and Rory were kid-free, Rory yelled "Road Trip" as they left the gate of the manor. Logan started laughing "Ace, we are only going 15 miles down the road." "Good, that is probably as far as I can go without having to pee," Rory said as she reached for the remote to the radio to find some music. "Hey, driver controls the radio," Logan said. "Not today, pregnant wife rules the music." She said as she blasted Loverboy's 'Working for the weekend'. Logan just smiled, shaking his head.

They turned down this paved road. Pulled all the way to the end. Finn was standing talking to this beautiful blonde in blue jeans, cowboy hat, and boots. "Does Finn know the girl doesn't come with the ranch?" Rory asked. "Are you sure she doesn't? Logan said as he parked the car. He went to Rory's side to help her out. The Tesla was a little low to the ground and Rory's center of gravity is off just a little. Logan and Rory walked hand in hand over to where Finn was talking to the blonde. "Love," Finn said, hugging Rory. "And little Love," Finn said, patting her belly. He bends down. "This is Uncle Finn. I'm the fun uncle." He stood up and man hugged Logan. "How's it going?" "Great." "Logan, Rory, this is Amber," Finn said, nodding toward Amber. "Amber, this is my buddy Logan and his wife Rory." "Oh, Finn," Rory looked down and wiped a fake tear from her eyes. "I thought I was your friend too," Rory said, adding a sniffle to it. Finn's eyes got wide. He turned to Logan. Logan mouthed 'hormones'. "Oh, Love," Finn said, putting his arms around her. "You are my friend too. I just didn't say it right. Oh, Love please don't cry. You are breaking my heart." Finn took Rory's chin in his hand and pulled her face toward him. Rory busted out laughing. Logan and Amber both were laughing. "Oh, Love, you were trying to fool Uncle Finn," Finn said, smiling at her.

Rory found her a bale of hay to sit on. Standing was not all it was cracked up to be. She was watching Finn and Logan learning how to bush the horses. Her phone rang, she looked down, it was Luke calling. "Hello.....Luke......Luke.....I can't hear you.....Luke...what are you saying....." At this point, she had gotten Logan's attention. He was walking toward her when his phone rang. "Hello.....Ryan, Yeah, the connection is not really good. We are at a horse ranch. signal not good. What's going on. Rory is on the phone with Luke I think, but it is a bad connection." By this time Logan had made it to where Rory was. She was trying to dial Luke, but it kept going to voicemail. She tried her mom. Voicemail again. Logan was still on the phone. "What hospital?" Logan asked. Rory froze. Logan took her hand and led her to the car. "We will meet you there." Logan hung up the phone and helped Rory into the car. "Rory was asking questions. "Babe, let me get in the car. I will tell you everything I know, just let me get in the car."

By the time they reached St. Francis Hospital in Hartford, Logan had told Rory everything he knew. As soon as they got a signal, Rory called Lorelai and told her to take the boys to their house and stay with them until she or Logan returned. Lorelai pitched a fit. She keeps saying "the boys are okay. I will keep them at my house." Rory finally tired of arguing with Lorelai. "Take them to my house. Honor will meet you there. Then you can go back to the festival." She hung up the phone and called Luke. "We are on our way to St. Francis. I called mom and told her to take the boys to my house and stay with them until I can get home. She argued with me. I told her Honor will meet her there and get the boys. Luke, make sure my boys get to Honor." She hung up. Logan was on the phone with Honor, "Luke or Lorelai will meet you at the house with the boys. Take them to your house. I will call you later. We are all okay. I will explain later." He hung up as he pulled up to the emergency room doors. He jumped out to help Rory out of the car. Ryan saw him and told him he would park the car. They are in treatment room 6.

Logan took Rory's hand and led her into the waiting room. "Go have a seat, I will ask at the desk," Logan told her. Logan walked up to the desk. The girl behind the glass looked up and smiled at Logan. "Yes, sir, Can I help you find someone?" The glass was not the cleanest, but he could read her name tag. 'Tyona' "Tyona?" Logan asked and she nodded. "I am looking for Ricky Greene. I was told he was brought here." Tyona looked at the computer, "Yes sir, he is here. If you will have a seat in the waiting room, I will see if I can get his girlfriend to come to see you. He is having some tests run at this time." Logan nodded and stepped toward the waiting room as Ryan was walking back in. He hands Logan his keys. "What happened? I can't get a straight answer." Logan asked

"I'm not really sure about all the details. Karson can fill some of them in. Myself and Curt were walking the festival. It was not big. We could stand anywhere and see the Thang 1 and Thang 2" Ryan was snickering. "That is their code name. They are always together." Ryan smiles. "So we stationed ourselves on the bench outside of Luke's. We took turns walking around. It normally takes about 20 minutes, because we stop and talk with the vendor and the people standing in line. Anyway. Curt had just come back. I told him I wanted one of those fresh lemon aids. When I stood up, I saw Ricky and Karson. That was the first time I had seen them. I asked Curt about it and he said he saw them walk upon his last walk-through. I walked over toward them, was going to speak. Before I could get to them I spotted the boys running my way. One with a pretzel and one with blue cotton candy. By the looks of them, they were sharing. When they reached Ricky he stopped them before they attacked. Karson knelt to their level to wipe their hands." "Wait. Where was Lorelai?" "I hadn't seen her since she was in line to get her fortune told. That was the time before the last walk-through." Logan nodded "Ricky took the pretzel and the cotton candy. Karson wiped their hands. I could hear them asking Ricky to take them to the airplanes. Ricky and Karson both acknowledged me as they headed to the airplanes. I was walking toward the lemonade stand when I heard Karson yell for help. I ran to where she was. Curt beat me to her. Ricky was laying on the ground, holding his stomach. Curt grabbed the boys and pulled them back away from Ricky. I knelt to see if I could help Karson with Ricky. I could smell garlic. I looked around to see if I could find anything that would smell like garlic. Ricky started convulsing. His breathing was shallow. My first thought was to get him to the hospital. Some tall man with a bowler hat helped me get him to the car. Karson sat in the back seat with him. I had to almost force her to get in. She was worried about the boys. I assured her that Curt had them. I put the pretzel, cotton candy and the can drink that was laying on the ground next to Ricky. I wanted to make sure the doctors had something to analyze ." "What smells like garlic?" Logan asked. "I didn't do so well in chemistry." Arsine. It is a type of cyanide. It smells like garlic. It will make you dizzy and lightheaded. Karson said Ricky has asthma. "He hasn't had any flare-ups since he was a child," Rory said. "He was breathing hard. It was difficult to breathe. I was worried that I was going to have to pull over and start a trac. Thank God I didn't"

"Do you think someone was trying to poison Ricky?" Rory asked. Ryan looked at Logan and before he could answer, Karson and a male in scrubs were walking toward them. Rory jumped up. She wanted to get to Karson to hug her. Logan caught her before she got to Karson. "Ace, she was with Ricky in the back seat. She could have it on her clothes. You do not need to get close to her." Logan said as he held Rory. "Yes, this young lady is headed to the nurses' locker room to take a shower and change into scrubs for now."

He stuck out his hand to Logan "I'm Dr. Wilburn. I am the ER doctor that is taking care of your son. It is a good thing this gentleman here knew what he was seeing and acted fast. The blood draws show Arsine. We are administering the antidote now. That is only the first. They are sending the rest of the antidote from New York. This is not something we keep on hand. We keep enough to start the first treatment." "I can have a helicopter land on the hospital helipad, and bring it straight to you. The helicopter ride from New York to here is about 42 minutes give or take according to the wind. I can make a call now and have the rest of the antidote here in less than an hour." Dr. Wilburn looked at Logan. "It will have to be accompanied by medical personnel." "Tell me where to land the helicopter and tell the medical personnel I will pay them double what they are making now to make the trip. As soon as the medicine gets here, I will fly them back." Logan said. "Let me make a call." Dr. Wilburn said. Before he could step away. Karson entered the waiting room, fresh from her shower. Logan was helping Rory get back to a seat when he heard Dr. Wilburn says "I'm sorry sir. I did not get your name." Logan turned back toward Dr. Wilburn "I'm Logan Huntzburger and this is my wife Rory." Before Dr. Wilburn could reply, Rory heard from the door. "If Huntzburger is not a big enough name to get the ball rolling, try Hayden and Gilmore," Christopher said as he walked through the door.

"Rory, are you okay? I got a call from Lorelai. She was not making any sense. The best I could tell by what she said was you were at St. Francis Hospital. Then she said something about taking the boys away for you or her, I really wasn't sure. I just hung up and headed this way. I figured someone here could tell me what is going on." "Ace, talk to your dad, I'm going to make this call. Dr. Wilburn returned with a card with the address for the helicopter to land.

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