Chapter 127 The start of the stay at Martha's Vineyard

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Chapter 127 The start of the stay at Martha's Vineyard

Christopher and Lana returned Sunday Night. Gigi packed up Monday and moved back home. Monday night Christopher and Lana paid a visit to the Gilmore-Huntzburger manor. They had gifts. The boys were excited. Several times Rory had to calm them down. Logan kept an eye on Lana. He was ready to jump in to stop her from saying something to hurt Rory's feelings. They did not stay long. After they left Rory commented to Logan that she hoped her feelings about this marriage are just hormones. She wants her dad to be happy. She is just not sure Lana is the person to do that.

The pool is open. The boys think they should be in the pool from sunup to sundown. Rory found out the being in the pool counteracts the increased weight on her back and legs. Security was still in place. The renovation on the studio apartment above the garage for Evelyn was finished and she has moved in. Logan was working more than he liked, but he was getting everything ready. The plan is when he leaves the office Tuesday night June 28, he will not be back full time until after the baby is born. They leave for Martha's Vineyard after Rory's doctor's appointment Wednesday. He sent Ricky and Karson ahead Monday. The cleaning crew was expected to open the house. Ricky and Karson are going to get groceries and make sure everything is ready. He also upgraded the internet service so he would be able to work remotely if needed.

Rory, Logan, and the boys will arrive Wednesday afternoon. Logan rented an RV for travel. This is going to work two-fold. The security team would use the RV as a substation. The Huntzburger house has 6 bedrooms, a study/library, a playroom, and an office. Rory/Logan, Mitchum/Cynthia, Josh/Honor, Karson/Cindy, probably Gigi some, Ricky, Will/Chris/Samuel/Joshua. 2 rooms have king-size beds, the rest of the bedrooms have twin beds. One of the rooms has 3 twin beds with trundles. Lane and her crew are coming on the 4th and spending the night. They will occupy the study. There is a pull-out couch. Steve and Kwan will stay with Ricky. The Hayden house is on the other side of the island. It has 6 bedrooms, an office, and a media room. The Gilmore-Danes house on Nantucket has 5 bedrooms, a sunroom, and an office. The McCrea house is next door to the Huntzburger house. It is also a 6 bedroom house.

Everyone was expected to dwindle into the Huntzburger house Thursday and Friday. Evelyn is taking this time to visit relatives. Cynthia and Honor assured her that they would take good care of everyone. Evelyn was relieved. She knew Cynthia would make sure everyone was fed. The big party is scheduled for Monday, July 4th at the Huntzburger house. Lorelai and her crew are coming over from Nantucket. Christopher and Lana will also be there. Gigi will be between the two houses all week. The McCrae family is invited as well as Finn and his boyfriend. Paris and Doyle declined the invitation. They will be on vacation in California.

The trip to the ferry took longer than Logan anticipated. Dr. Boyett gave Rory a contact number for a doctor on the island. Told her to call him if she had any problems. Logan assured him that one of their guests is an RN and she has been taking very good care of her. Dr. Boyett was pleased. He said it made him feel better knowing there is a medical professional with her.

No one told him how hard it was to maneuver that big RV. By the time they got to the house, Rory was ready to get out of the RV. Karson and Ricky fixed lasagna, a salad, and garlic bread. It was ready when they got there. The family sat down and enjoyed the meal. "Who cooked the lasagna?" Logan asked. Karson answered him. "I did, is there something wrong with it?" "No, it is great. I just wanted to know which one to put on the list to cook while we are here." Logan said with a smile. "It's good," Will said with his mouth full. Chris nodded his head. "I'm glad you like it buddies, but let's not talk with your mouth full," Karson said. "I didn't," Chris said. "I mind my manners" "Me too," Will said. "Okay boys, you both mind your manner, you just need to be reminded sometimes," Rory said.

"Can we go swimming when we finish?" Chris asked. Logan looked at Ricky, "Did they come to service the pool this week?" "Yeah, I also left you a list of instructions. He said there are a few things that need to be done differently since it was converted to a saltwater pool." Logan nodded. "Looks like the pool is ready, I say, let's unpack, then put on your swimsuits and go swimming," Rory said. "We got to unpack first?" Chris whined. "Well, no. You can't wait to unpack, but you will not get in the pool until you do," Rory said. "And just a side note. This new thing you'll have started. Whining. I don't like it. Please find another way of expressing your dislike" ''Yes, ma'am". Karson and Ricky went to help the boys unpack while Logan and Rory went to unpack in their room. "Do I have to unpack?" Logan whined. Rory put her hands on her hips. "I was serious, whining sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard to me," Rory said.

When Rory and Logan finally made it to the pool, Ricky had lighted the teekee torches to ward away any bugs. The pool was relaxing. "I think I will just live in the pool till baby Em is born," Rory said. Will swam over to Rory. He had on his puddle jumpers. "You can't live in the pool. Where would you sleep?" He asked Rory. "I will sleep on a float," Rory said. "No, moma, no place for daddy to sleep," Will said. "That's right, Daddy has to sleep with mommy," Logan said with a grin.

Logan heard a noise coming from the side of the house. When he turned he saw Curt, the head of the security team assigned to Logan and his family. "Didn't mean to scare you. Just wanted to let you know we had a team come in to sweep for bugs and make sure all the doors have reinforced locks. We are a team of 5. Three of us during the day and 2 at night. Just wanted to check-in. I will be on duty until the morning, so when you get a minute, I would like to go over everything, get a list of expected visitors." Logan nodded. "Give me just a minute. Bring your laptop back here. We can talk about it on the deck."

While the family played in the pool, Logan grabbed a towel and dried off. Sitting at the table on the deck, overlooking the ocean, he and Curt discussed the details. Curt gave Logan a list of the agents that will be working on this detail. Curt, Ira, Brandon, Scotty, and Mike. 2 at night and 3 during the day. On the 4th, 4 more will be added. Mark, Tiff, Roger, and Rocky. Logan gave him a list of people that would be coming and going. He will get with him again when the 4th of July BBQ list is finalized. Curt also explained they had set up another RV down by the beach. He told Logan that to get on the beach from the property they would have to have a code. And vice versa. Logan nodded. "It seems you have thought of everything," Logan said. Rory pipped up from the side of the pool. "There will be plenty of food. Your crew will not go hungry." Curt laughed. "Yes, Ma'am.

After the meeting with Curt, Logan got back in the pool. He asked Karson and Ricky if they heard the discussion? They both nodded. We need to fill the adults in as they arrive.

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