Map & World Building

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Edited 11/02/2023

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Edited 11/02/2023

Firstly, I hope you appreciate the map, above is a new Inkarnate map I just made (unfortunately using the free version so I couldn't pick and choose as many icons as I wanted. maybe I'll pay for it and add them later) and in the chapter header is the original map I painstakingly hand drew and scanned in before digitalising, just for reference although after making it, I did change some place names.) Also, all other artwork in this story was collected from Google, so all credit to the various artists. They're all so amazing!

Edited 11.05.2022

Welcome to my vision of the Fantasy AU for My Hero Academia! This story is based in a world where quirks don't exist, however magic does!


There are many different races in this universe, and these have been created to explain those with physical quirk manifestations, although "magical quirks" exist and a lot of people have magical abilities, however they do not always use them or know they have them. Unlike in the Canon series, people's magical abilities only manifest when an external force makes it necessary for them to react to it. (Hopefully, you'll see what I mean as you read later on.)

Humans – including: barbarians, mages, witches and warlocks

Beast Folk – those with animalistic physical features (can also be barbarians, mages, witches and warlocks)

Bird Folk – those with avian physical features (can also be barbarians, mages, witches and warlocks)

Giants – large humanoid beings

Fire Drakes – fire breathing dragons to the south (can transform into human form)

Ice Dragons – ice breathing dragons to the north (extinct) (can transform into human form)

Ogres – a race similar to orcs and other such beasts you get in WoW/LoTR/Harry Potter etc.

Demons – spectral creatures from the shadow realm


- "Barbarian" is just a term used to describe the tribal people on Kazan Island, they can be any race, but they tend to mostly be humans.

- "Mages" are magic users that study magic and devote their life to the art and learn other spells to use abilities not given to them naturally.

- "Witches and Warlocks" are magic users who use their power for evil and are willing to use forbidden magic.

- Dragons spend most of their time in human form but can transform into winged beasts at will. (I have not gone into detail on how they transform because I didn't want to get stuck in the logistics of their clothing and such, so please don't ask what happens to their clothes when they turn into dragons! I have no answer!)

- Not much is known about demons other than some magic users that specialize in conjuring can summon them from the shadow realm to do their bidding.

- "Inferi" is a term used to describe many re-animated corpses, a single corpse would be an "Inferius".


This story is set in more "medieval" times, so there is no electricity and smaller, more remote villages do not have running water. Only larger towns and cities have indoor plumbing. (The royal palace seems to be the only place with running hot water). As such horses are the main mode of transport for those not fortunate enough to have wings.


New note: although my old map says the capital city is "Shihon" I've changed this to "Mutsufutsu" and the name for the group of islands has therefore been changed to "The Nihon Islands" (see new Inkarnate map).

Climate wise, although The Nihon Islands are fairly small in comparison to the rest of the world's continents, the climate varies drastically from north to south. As you can see from the map, the land masses are roughly based on Japan's main three Islands and Fuyu Island is mostly covered in snow all year round, while Kazan Island is half desert, half jungle. Meiji Island is also tropical and never sees any snow. I would have made the smaller islands seem further away from the mainland (Hondo Island) to demonstrate this a bit better, but it was hard to do so in the space available.

Hondo Island is mostly referred to as the mainland and is more variable in the seasons, with winter having snowfall, spring becoming warmer and summer being pleasantly hot.

Faith System:

The belief system is that there are many gods, the most popular being All Might, the others aren't really mentioned but they are the previous One for All users. All for One is the dark god that people don't tend to know or talk about anymore.


I won't go into the history of the country too much as I will incorporate past events into this story (and maybe do a prequel or two!) all I'll say, is that before the existence of the gods, there were no humans on The Nihon Islands. The southern island was inhabited by the fire drakes, the northern island by the ice dragons and the mainland was a lush green haven for giants, ogres, beasts, and bird folk. The first human settlers brought with them the gift of magic and after handing out these abilities to the first generation of magic users, their magical abilities were then inherited by their children so now magic is something you are born with (or not).

If there is anything else you think I should add to this section, please let me know. Ask all your questions here. ->

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