Chapter 71: The collapsing castle

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Shoto watched as you were lifted into the air by the huge beast that had suddenly appeared. This dragon was nothing like the fire drakes; he was mostly covered in white shimmering scales, but there were areas where scales were missing and the dark purple flesh beneath was revealed giving the appearance of scars. It was clear as he took in the form of this new foe, that the blue fire warlock, Dabi, and the dragon before them, were one and the same.

Bakugo roared with rage as you were taken away from him; the barbarian blasted himself into the air with two huge explosions from his palms. The blasts sent shockwaves through the terrain beneath them, making the earth tremble and the ruins of the ice castle shook with the resulting tremors. Large fissures began appearing in the walls of the castle and blocks of stone and ice tumbled from the structure as whole towers started to cave in where the building was already unstable. He had no idea the barbarian possessed magic as powerful as his own, the other prince hadn't used this ability of his in front of them before so he was shocked to see his rival rocket into the air after the enemy.

Kirishima and Mina weren't paying any attention to the crumbling castle behind them. They had their eyes fixed firmly on you and Bakugo as they ran forward. Kirishima transformed first and raced to meet Bakugo in midair, catching the barbarian on his back before he began to fall out of the sky. Mina stopped only to scoop up Midoriya as she too transformed, pushing her head quickly between Izuku's legs as he also ran towards you and your captor.

Shoto however, was frozen in place. He had seen many murals at his home back in the capital to know that this white monster was an ice dragon. But they were all supposed to be extinct; slaughtered at the hands of his father many years before he was even born. Yet this young warlock was living proof that at least one still existed, and he wasn't old enough to have been alive during that time, so how was this possible?

"You might want to rescue the queen, little Shoto, before she's buried alive in rubble thanks to your friend here..." Shoto heard the sneering words spoken directly into his mind by the dragon, each word resounding loudly in his head accompanied by the feeling of malice that dripped from the dragons thought.

He looked up at you in his clutches, fading away from view and the two fire drakes in hot pursuit, then he glanced at over Ururaka and Lady Yaoyorozu who were still stood by his side. Neither of them seemed to have heard the voice. The mage was staring off after you, watching Midoriya as he rushed to rescue you.

Midoriya hadn't hesitated even for a second before racing to your aid, Ururaka didn't look at all upset that he was so quick to leave her side, they all knew how much you meant to him. If anything, Shoto was expecting her to run after you too, but the mage hadn't acted as instinctively as the green haired boy, and neither had he.

In fact, Shoto, was still locked in place, frozen to the spot like a stone statue. He was torn between going after you and saving his mother. The words from their enemy only confused him, why would Dabi want Shoto to hurry and save the queen? Was it a trick? Was the queen not actually in the castle and this just a ploy to trap him in the crumbling ruins? No, he couldn't think like that, if he was wrong, and she was still in there, he would be leaving her to die.

Momo broke from her trance first and pulled on his sleeve, urging him towards the castle entrance as rubble cascaded down around them. "We have to hurry Shoto."

Ururaka caught their movement and hurried to join them, but Shoto still faltered. "Ururaka, it's not safe, you and Momo should wait outside." He tried to urge the girls.

"Absolutely not. I won't leave you. Besides with three of us, we'll be able to find her faster." Momo countered.

Ochako nodded in agreement. "And I can get us out quickly when we do find her."

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