Chapter 82: Not strong enough

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Bakugo was squinting through the howling wind and hail; he lifted his head as he battled his way towards you only to see you had been released from the demon's prison. You were now stalking towards him, sword in hand with a wicked grin on your face.

Something was wrong, what was with that look on your face? And why would the enemy allow you to just walk away from him? Forget that, why were you heading for him instead of attacking the warlock stood behind you?

He was confused but that's when he saw it; Those beautiful blue eyes of yours, the ones that had captured his heart and exposed his one weakness, were gone. The calming night sky that once shone in your gaze had been swallowed by a black abyss. The pitch-black eyes now fixed on him were void of all warmth, lost of the love and tenderness he usually saw in them, leaving nothing but a cruel malice staring back at him as you drew level.

For once in his life, he didn't know what to do. This was the one enemy he could not fight. He'd sooner take his own life than hurt you, but the way you were baring down on him, seemingly unhindered by the unnatural storm around you, he knew your intent was to kill him. The small smirk that marred your beautiful face didn't belong to you, and the twist of your lips told him it was no longer you in control of your body.

He could tell just by your stance, that you were hell bent on ending his life, but he knew you wouldn't stop there; after him, he had no doubt the monster inside you would turn on your friends as well, until you were left with nothing in this world. What had that evil bastard done to you?

Katsuki's blood began to boil, his very soul was seething with hatred for the warlock king, but his heart was also breaking as he looked at you. With every step you took closer to him, he felt another stab in his chest. He didn't want to fight you, but he had no choice. If you were in your right mind, you would be screaming at him not to let you hurt anyone, you would say you'd rather die than kill those you cared about; he could hear you begging him to stop you in his head, pleading with him to bring you down before it was too late. But he couldn't, he just couldn't.

You brought your sword up over your head and swung at him. He blocked it quickly, feeling the vibrations of the impact shudder through his sword and into his arm. You had struck him with your full strength, with no hesitation whatsoever. Whatever darkness was consuming you held no emotion; its only goal was to destroy.

"Tsuki, stop! Damn it! This isn't you!" He shouted; thinking maybe he could get through to you somehow.

You didn't respond. Instead, you reeled back and took another swipe at him. He parried your second attack, this time pushing your blade out to the side. He could have easily struck back in that moment, your chest was unguarded and all he would have had to do, is drive his sword through your heart and this fight would be over. But he didn't. He was weak. And in his weakness, he tried pleading with you again; throwing his pride out of the window, he shouted at you as hot tears filled his eyes. "Please... Tsuki... Please, don't make me do this. I don't want to hurt you. I love you."

For a brief second, he thought he felt you falter, and he could have sworn the obsidian in your eyes flickered back to white for the briefest of glimmers before you blinked, and the darkness returned.

You tilted your head to the side, the manic grin spreading wider over your face, and you cackled at him. "Why would I stop? I'm a hunter and an assassin. I feel nothing. I was born to be a murderer so why wouldn't I kill anyone that gets in my way..." You gripped your sword tighter with two hands and lunge at him again. He stumbled backwards, taking the brunt of your attack with the side of his blade. The strong steel trembled under the force of your strike, and he worried it might break.

"You're not a murderer!" He yelled back at you. "And don't pretend you feel nothing. You may be strong, and a fearsome warrior, but you're also kind and compassionate. You're the bravest person I know, and you have a stronger sense of honor than anyone. You're not just a mindless killing machine! Don't let that bastard turn you into one!"

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