Chapter 66: Departure

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Dawn arrived too soon the next day and the early morning bugle shattered any hope of more sleep. You sat up with a sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach. This was it, it all started now.

Soon your friends would be out there fighting for their lives, and you wanted to protect as many of them as you could, but you wouldn't be there to watch over them. You hated leaving the others to join the main battle without you, but your gut was telling you, you had to be on Fuyu Island. That must be where your destiny lied.

You dressed in your Assassin's suit, then layered your hunter's jacket and cloak on top, it was going to be cold over on the northern island. Once you were fully armed and ready for departure, you headed out to find the others.

Ochako was selecting some weapons from the armory with the help of Mina, you watched as she picked up a short dagger and tucked it into a leg holster before picking up her staff and coming outside to meet you. Momo, who was determined to follow the prince, was stood ready to go just outside the armory door when you arrived. She was saying her farewells to Jiro and the other girls you had bunked with. She was clad in a full suit of armor with a thick cloak and had her long sword fastened securely at her hip.

Jiro waved goodbye to the four of you and went to fall in line with the preparing troops. Denki was waiting for her in the third battalion. Aoyama, Mineta and Sato were all gathering their provisions too. Aoyama looked awkward in his armor like he was about to buckle under its weight, and Mineta was struggling to find some that would fit someone of his stature. Sato was the only one who seemed comfortable in the heavy metal plating, but even that burly young man looked scared and nervous.

You scanned the crowd looking for your best friends, the ones who were coming with you on this mission to the remote northern island. Eventually you spotted them. Kirishima was trying to force Bakugo into a thicker vest provided by the army, and Midoriya was helping Shoto into his armor.

You pointed the boys out to Momo, Ochako and Mina and the four of you went to join them.

"I told you I'm not wearing those ridiculous mainlander clothes!" Bakugo shouted.

"But you'll freeze up there! You know how cold it's going to be." Kirishima pleaded with him.

"I'm fine with what I'm wearing!"

You gave him a look that said he was being unreasonable, and he pouted before grabbing the thermals from Kirishima and putting it on under his caped jacket.

"Grrrr, fine! There. You happy now?"

You and Kirishima smiled at him.

"Yes. Thank you." You said lifting up onto your tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek.

You were past the point of caring if anyone saw you with him now. All that mattered was that you all got through this in one piece. But in case you didn't, you weren't going to waste a single moment with the man you loved.

Midoriya and Shoto came over to join you. "Is everyone ready?" Shoto asked.

Everyone nodded. "As ready as we'll ever be." You confirmed.

"Then let's get going."

You let the commander know you were ready to leave and once again apologized that you wouldn't be able to join the main battle straight away.

"Don't you worry about us; we'll be fine, you'll see. We'll have things wrapped up before you even get back. Count on it." Mirio smiled his bright smile and gave you a thumbs up.

You nodded. "We'll be back as soon as we've rescued the queen." You said.

"Hurry up already, the sooner we do this, the sooner I can kill some warlocks!" Bakugo shouted.

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